President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize for…funding abortions overseas?
from FRC Blog by Cathy Ruse

It was announced this morning that President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.from FRC Blog by Cathy Ruse
Reuters reports that The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
But this prize was apparently awarded *prospectively*, since the nomination deadline for the prize came less than two weeks after Obama took office.
So what actions did Obama as President take before the February 1st deadline that gave the committee such assurance of his future worthiness of the prize?
On January 20 he called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and declared his intention to give multiple rights and privileges to homosexual couples.
On January 22 he issued an order announcing his intention to close Guantanamo Bay.
On January 23 he issued an order authorizing tax dollars for abortions abroad.
As Michael Novak wrote in National Review Online at the time: "These first steps were unworthy of a great nation and unworthy of a serious leader."
Mother Teresa called abortion the greatest destroyer of peace. But according to the Nobel committee, forcing taxpayers to fund it gets you a peace prize.