Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
The Population Control Freak tonight on CBS
I reported on Monday that wackjob science czar John Holdren is scheduled to make a second appearance on David Letterman's late-night CBS show. (He first appeared last spring to stir up global warming hysteria.)
Just a reminder to set your Tivos. It's still a go, according to the Letterman Show website.
Click here for the full article.
Federal Judge OK's 'Noise Rule' Against Pro-lifers On 'Public Property
A religious group will not be allowed to spread their anti-abortion message via loudspeaker in Laguna Beach, after a federal judge upheld an anti-noise regulation. The city prohibits sound amplification equipment within 100 yards of hospitals, churches, schools, courthouses and City Hall while those buildings are in use, 30 minutes before opening and after closing. The equipment may also not be used between 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. Steve Klein, the main plaintiff in the case, argued the city's ordinance prevented him from exercising his freedom of speech under the First Amendment. The city disagreed, saying he was welcome to spread his message as long as he didn't use a loudspeaker during prohibited times or in unauthorized locations.
Click here for the full article.
Health Care Reform: Will It Pay For The Abortion Pill?
Questions have been raised as to whether or not proposed health care reform will pay for abortions. Because there is no actual bill ready to be passed into law, it is premature to say what will or will not be covered. A second question has been asked as to whether the abortion pill would be covered. The best way to address this is to advise readers as to what current insurers do about the abortion pill. Mifepristone is sold in the U.S. by Danco Laboratories under the brand name Mileptrx. It is a synthetic steroid used to produce a pharmaceutical abortion.
Click here for the full article.
The Abortion Movement Was Designed Primarily to Kill Black Babies
The left often celebrate the abhorrent practice of abortion as 'a woman's right to choose.' However, the movement which seems to be the cornerstone of liberalism was actually designed to eradicate black people. Abortion on demand has in fact, been responsible for a genocide in the black community. In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League which eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a racist who advocated eugenics, so-called 'selective breeding', euthanasia, sterilization, and abortion. She published several books in which she often referred to blacks as "genetically unfit" and "human weeds."
Click here for the full article.
Ministry of Culture demands pro-lifers pay back money used for march
Brazil's Ministry of Culture is demanding that pro-lifers who were involved in the Third National March for Life this past Sunday in Brasilia pay back the public funding they were given for the event.
The Ministry claims organizers of the event "omitted information in the presentation of the plan" by not indicating that the march was a protest against the attempts to legalize abortion in Brazil.
Pro-life leaders denounced the claims as completely false and said their intentions were clearly spelled out to Ministry officials, who granted approval for the use of funds for the march.
The National Movement of Citizens for Life (NMCL) rejected the government's demand that some $60,000 from the public coffers be returned and said, "The minister's actions reveal an anti-democratic attitude because he is denying the right to protest of more than 90 percent of the Brazilian population, which believes life should be defended from the moment of conception."
Click here for the full article.
Culture of death always leads to failure, Argentinean cardinal states
The Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, told the thousands of faithful gathered Monday at the Shrine of St. Ramon to defend life from the moment of conception to natural death, in order to overcome the "culture of death" that is afflicting today's society.
During his homily, the cardinal urged Catholics to "stand up" against "the culture of death." The "culture of life," he said, believes that "life has value from the moment of conception" and should be cared for in childhood, so that that new life "grows up healthy, receives a good education and has enough to eat, and is instilled with principles of moral values."
"We must stand up and say: this is the culture of life, this is life, the complete opposite of the culture of death," which "always leads to failure," the cardinal said.
Click here for the full article.
Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
The Population Control Freak tonight on CBS
I reported on Monday that wackjob science czar John Holdren is scheduled to make a second appearance on David Letterman's late-night CBS show. (He first appeared last spring to stir up global warming hysteria.)
Just a reminder to set your Tivos. It's still a go, according to the Letterman Show website.
Click here for the full article.
Federal Judge OK's 'Noise Rule' Against Pro-lifers On 'Public Property
A religious group will not be allowed to spread their anti-abortion message via loudspeaker in Laguna Beach, after a federal judge upheld an anti-noise regulation. The city prohibits sound amplification equipment within 100 yards of hospitals, churches, schools, courthouses and City Hall while those buildings are in use, 30 minutes before opening and after closing. The equipment may also not be used between 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. Steve Klein, the main plaintiff in the case, argued the city's ordinance prevented him from exercising his freedom of speech under the First Amendment. The city disagreed, saying he was welcome to spread his message as long as he didn't use a loudspeaker during prohibited times or in unauthorized locations.
Click here for the full article.
Health Care Reform: Will It Pay For The Abortion Pill?
Questions have been raised as to whether or not proposed health care reform will pay for abortions. Because there is no actual bill ready to be passed into law, it is premature to say what will or will not be covered. A second question has been asked as to whether the abortion pill would be covered. The best way to address this is to advise readers as to what current insurers do about the abortion pill. Mifepristone is sold in the U.S. by Danco Laboratories under the brand name Mileptrx. It is a synthetic steroid used to produce a pharmaceutical abortion.
Click here for the full article.
The Abortion Movement Was Designed Primarily to Kill Black Babies
The left often celebrate the abhorrent practice of abortion as 'a woman's right to choose.' However, the movement which seems to be the cornerstone of liberalism was actually designed to eradicate black people. Abortion on demand has in fact, been responsible for a genocide in the black community. In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League which eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a racist who advocated eugenics, so-called 'selective breeding', euthanasia, sterilization, and abortion. She published several books in which she often referred to blacks as "genetically unfit" and "human weeds."
Click here for the full article.
Ministry of Culture demands pro-lifers pay back money used for march
Brazil's Ministry of Culture is demanding that pro-lifers who were involved in the Third National March for Life this past Sunday in Brasilia pay back the public funding they were given for the event.
The Ministry claims organizers of the event "omitted information in the presentation of the plan" by not indicating that the march was a protest against the attempts to legalize abortion in Brazil.
Pro-life leaders denounced the claims as completely false and said their intentions were clearly spelled out to Ministry officials, who granted approval for the use of funds for the march.
The National Movement of Citizens for Life (NMCL) rejected the government's demand that some $60,000 from the public coffers be returned and said, "The minister's actions reveal an anti-democratic attitude because he is denying the right to protest of more than 90 percent of the Brazilian population, which believes life should be defended from the moment of conception."
Click here for the full article.
Culture of death always leads to failure, Argentinean cardinal states
The Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, told the thousands of faithful gathered Monday at the Shrine of St. Ramon to defend life from the moment of conception to natural death, in order to overcome the "culture of death" that is afflicting today's society.
During his homily, the cardinal urged Catholics to "stand up" against "the culture of death." The "culture of life," he said, believes that "life has value from the moment of conception" and should be cared for in childhood, so that that new life "grows up healthy, receives a good education and has enough to eat, and is instilled with principles of moral values."
"We must stand up and say: this is the culture of life, this is life, the complete opposite of the culture of death," which "always leads to failure," the cardinal said.
Click here for the full article.