David Bereit,
National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life
While Jackie was praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Greenland, New Hampshire, a car slowly pulled up in front of the clinic. The driver rolled down the window and said, "I don't know what you're doing here; but whatever it is, it's working!" The driver went on to say the abortion center had let employees go because business was off.
All Jackie could say was, "Praise God for victories!"
The staff at yet another abortion center has shrunk by at least one. But this wasn't a layoff. This was a clinic nurse who walked out and quit!
Angela of the 40 Days for Life team in Granite City, Illinois, said the abortion facility nurse came out and hugged her. "Thank you for praying for me," she told Angela. "Your witness has been powerful to me. This is my last day! I'm going off to do what real nurses should be doing." With that, she walked to her car and drove away.
This is the second abortion worker to quit during this 40 Days for Life campaign!
And yes, there are amazing stories to share about babies saved from abortion as well.
Thus far in this fall 40 Days for Life campaign, we've received reports of 38 mothers who changed their minds and chose life. And of course, those are just the ones we know of!
Here are just a few of those stories:
In Hartford, Connecticut, Al reported that while people were praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil across from the abortion center, a man came over with a simple message: "Thank you!" His niece had been scheduled for an abortion. But after seeing the group praying, she simply could not go through with it.
In Washington, D.C., Dick tells of a young couple who walked into the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Volunteers at the 40 Days for Life vigil didn't have much time to talk with them on their way in. But after an hour or so, they came back out. "They said they changed their minds about having an abortion."
In Pensacola, Florida, there was another situation in which just the sight of people praying outside made a profound impact. Ernie said an SUV had pulled up to the clinic entrance, where the 40 Days for Life vigil was in progress. The couple inside just stopped, took another look, and drove away without ever going in.
The 40 Days for Life team in El Paso, Texas received a special blessing. Sandra said a woman drove up to the vigil and wanted to talk about the day she decided not to have an abortion. At the time, she saw her pregnancy as something that would just get in the way of her promising career.
But the day of her appointment, people had been praying outside the clinic. When she saw that, she stopped and asked herself, "What am I doing here? This is not right!"
As she continued her story, the young woman rolled down her car window, pointed to the child in the car seat and began to cry. "Thanks to you all," she said, "I have this beautiful son!"
"You could imagine the feeling," Sandra said. "I believe at that moment everybody was crying with her." The group prayed for the mother, her child and for all her family. "We ask God to continue blessing them and thank Him for this wonderful gift of life."
Prayer does work. And sometimes, you don't have to say a word.
Let's keep it up!
Click here to find out more about 40 Days for Life.
Contact: David Bereit
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: September 28, 2009
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