An Ohio law dealing with the abortion drug RU-486 will see even more court action.
The law simply requires abortion facilities administering the drug to do so according to federal guidelines, rather misusing it. An abortion business filed a lawsuit in 2004, saying the statute was ambiguous. The case has been in the courts since then, but Mark Lally of Ohio Right to Life tells OneNewsNow the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling.
"And they sent the case back down to the federal district court to reconsider their decision, which had struck down the statute," he notes.
The drug is to be used up to 49 days into a pregnancy, but Planned Parenthood went beyond that. "And they were administering them in different manners," Lally adds, which could put women at risk of serious consequences.
In fact, that method, according to experts, could be responsible for the deaths of four women in California. Lally says they are looking forward to the lower court reconsidering the case.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: August 22, 2009
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