October 2, 2008

Complaint Asks for Emergency Suspension of Tiller's Medical License

KSBHA also asked to evaluate Tiller's competence based on poor physical health
A complaint has been filed with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts demanding the emergency suspension of the medical licenses of George R. Tiller and Shelley Sella, whose involvement in a late-term abortion last week nearly cost the life of a 23-year old woman.
Allegations include:
    * Patient S.'s pregnancy was misdiagnosed by Tiller's staff to be 19 weeks, even though according to her last menstrual period and previous medical examinations, she was actually 23 weeks pregnant at the time of the abortion, beyond the legal limit.
    * Patient S. developed severe pain and other complications after having received a digoxin injection from abortionist Sella that was meant to stop her pre-born baby's heart.
    * Patient S. spiked a fever of 103.7 degrees, yet was not treated for possible infection by Tiller or his staff.
    * Patient S. was locked in a room against her will for over 4 hours without treatment for over four hours while feverish and in pain, and was not allowed to communicate with her family.
    * Tiller threatened to withhold treatment from Patient S., even though she was sick, in pain, and had not yet delivered the baby that was presumed to already be dead.
    * Tiller threatened to send Patient S. to a hospital in Kansas City, three hours away, in spite of her life-threatening condition and incomplete abortion.
    * Because of her treatment, Patient S. feared she would be killed while under sedation.
    * During the final abortion procedure, Patient S. stopped breathing and her heart stopped. She was revived.
    * Tiller refused to call an ambulance and instead personally drove Patient S. to Wesley Medical Center in his private vehicle, further endangering her life.
    * Tiller was observed to be shaking excessively, an exhibited extremely poor eyesight during the drive to the hospital.
    * Tiller never provided follow-up care for Patient S.
In addition to the license suspensions, the complaint urges that the Board evaluate Tiller's fitness to continue providing surgical procedures due observations of extremely shaky hands and extremely poor eyesight.
"The situation at Tiller's abortion clinic constitutes a public emergency. This week, other women are submitting late-term abortions that are risky under the best of conditions. Based on what we have heard from Patient S., those women's lives are in immanent danger. We urge the KSBHA to close Tiller's clinic pending a full investigation into this complaint, before we see more women maimed or killed," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
View a video and read the full account of Patient S.'s harrowing abortion ordeal.

Contact: Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
Source URL: www.operationrescue.org    
Publish Date: September 30, 2008
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