January 25, 2013

40th Anniversary: Remember the Children

On this 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, the Republican Coalition for Life is sending people to abortion clinics to remember the day in a special way.

Dianne Edmondson, who heads the Republican Coalition for Life, notes that when tragedies take the lives of children, people often remember them by going to the site and leaving flowers, teddy bears, and handwritten notes. She points out that with approximately 600 abortion clinics throughout the nation, there are plenty of such sites.

"We'd like to encourage those who value the sanctity of life to just go to an abortion facility near them and put a teddy bear there, put a candle, balloon, something to show that the child who was aborted at that facility sometime during these last 40 years is valued and is remembered," Edmondson says.

People are also encouraged to offer a silent prayer for the victims and for the workers in the clinic. In addition, she believes the event will draw public attention to the displays.

"This is raising the awareness of the American people -- who are at least 50-percent pro-life, according to all the recent polling -- to let them know that this is where it takes place, this is where babies are killed," she tells OneNewsNow.

"And perhaps then they will take actions to make sure that they elect people who are going to do whatever they can to protect these unborn children."

Edmondson hopes thousands of people nationwide will participate and hand out the flyers available on the Republican National Coalition for Life website.

Source: OneNewsNow