January 25, 2013

Top 10 Pro-Life, Pro-Death States Unveiled - Where is Illinois?

Forty years and 55 million aborted lives after 1973's landmark Roe v. Wade decision, a list sizing up states in their protection and neglect of human life has been released.

Americans United for Life just unleashed its annual "Life List," to commend some states in their strides to protect the sanctity of life and to challenge others to step-up legislation protecting the innocent, preborn, and disabled.

Survey says

When AUL's analysis of the comprehensive successes of states was tallied, it determined which ones have the best on-going legal efforts to create and sustain a culture of life -- and which ones are more geared toward promoting the "culture of death."

Winning top pro-life honors this year, for the second year running, is Louisiana, followed (in order) by Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Arizona, Nebraska, Indiana, Missouri, Georgia, and Virginia.

"While the 'Life List' notes legislative accomplishments from the previous year, it also takes into account each state's cumulative record in defending and protecting the lives of their citizens -- from conception to natural death," AUL states.

The worst state? Ranking at #50 as the least pro-life state -- and #1 as the most pro-death state -- is Washington State, which has claimed this abysmal position for the fourth straight year. This is the same state that is currently trying to push through a bill that would force residents to buy abortion insurance.

States right behind The Evergreen State as being the worst offenders against human life are (in order) California, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, Oregon, Maryland, Hawaii, and Montana. (See full listing of all states)

The wider scope

This list was compiled to do more than cast light on the most current and powerful attempts to protect life.

"This analysis … [is] laying the foundation for rolling back and reversing Roe v. Wade," said AUL president and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest.

And she predicts that the year 2013 will be anything other than "unlucky" when it comes to laws protecting the preborn.

"Americans United for Life has been leading the way in innovative legislation that protects women and girls from a profit-hungry 'Big Abortion' industry, bloated with taxpayer dollars," says Yoest. "I predict that we'll see a large number of bills this year that also work to protect the First Amendment freedom of all Americans who do not want to be forced into business with Big Abortion."

The pro-life organization also believes that the tides have already begun to turn in the United States when it comes to new legal protections, as 2012 wasn't far behind 2011's record-breaking year.

"The 2012 state legislative year produced significant victories for Life across the United States, building on 2011's historic progress and laying the groundwork for future victories in 2013 and beyond," AU contends. "Through its state representatives and other significant relationships with state-based allies, AUL actively worked in 39 states to enact life-affirming laws and to defeat anti-life initiatives."

Its report shows strides it has made across multiple states.

"In 2012, AUL realized several important victories for life, including the enactment of 19 life-affirming laws," the pro-life organization reports. "[This year], the most popular abortion-related legislative measures included prohibitions on government funding and insurance coverage for abortion, legislation and resolutions related to pregnancy care centers, informed consent for abortion, ultrasound requirements, restrictions or regulations on abortion-inducing drugs and so-call 'telemed' abortions, and abortion clinic regulations and other abortion-provider requirements."

And with all of the pro-abortion healthcare reform floating around from state to state during the first term of the Obama administration, pro-life advocates have been busy at work to counter different kinds of anti-life policies.

"Importantly, there was a nearly 40-percent increase in the number of measures introduced to protect healthcare freedom of conscience," AUL points out. "Moreover, as a result of a substantial increase in the number of bills related to pain management and palliative care, measures related to end-of-life issues increased nearly two-fold."

Pro-life honor roll

For the first time, AUL introduced its Life List All-Stars this year to pay tribute to five states that made key pro-life legislative contributions above and beyond the rest during their 2012 sessions.

Receiving the highest honor for last year was Arizona.

"Arizona became the first state to enact AUL's 'Women's Health Defense Act,' prohibiting abortions at or after 20-weeks' gestation based on the well-documented dangers of late-term abortions to women's health and the pain experienced by unborn children," AUL revealed in its inaugural report, which notes the strides The Grand Canyon State made. "Most improved this year was Arizona, moving from No. 14 to No. 5."

Arizona's governor is also well aware of the leaps and bounds made in her state for life.

"As a pro-life governor and former legislator, I know first-hand the crucial role AUL plays on the state level to advance the cause of protecting the unborn," said Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer. "Without a doubt, AUL is an invaluable resource for pro-life legal guidance and educational materials. Through AUL's efforts, we are winning the battle as we encourage more mothers to make the choice for life and give a voice to those who don't have one."

Also making the pro-life all-star list is runner-up Georgia, with New Hampshire, Virginia and South Carolina taking the third, fourth and fifth spots, respectively.

Source: OneNewsNow