November 9, 2012

Facing Another Four Years of Radical Anti-Life Policies, Pro-Lifers Must Not Give Up Hope

With the re-election of Barack Obama, the international pro-life movement faces more threats


As Barack Obama prepares for another term as America's president, Human Life International President Father Shenan J. Boquet is calling on pro-lifers around the world to stay vigilant, to pray, and not to give up hope. 

"Under the most radical anti-life president America has ever seen, the U.S. taxpayers have funded a destructive foreign policy, which has already done great harm around the world," said Father Boquet. "But we must continue to fight for those who cannot defend themselves, and we cannot lose hope, because the Lord of Life is on our side. 

"We need prayer now more than ever for our unborn brothers and sisters around the world facing death due to the policies of the Obama administration, and for those facing persecution for daring to spread the Gospel of Life," Father Boquet said. "May Our Lord Jesus Christ give us the strength to run the race and win the fight for life."

Contact: Stephen Phelan
Source: Human Life International