November 9, 2012

Fr. Pavone: Collision Course Now Assured; Time to Recommit

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement about President Obama's re-election:

"The  collision course of the Obama Administration with the Catholic Church could have been averted, but now it is assured instead.

"It is therefore time to recommit ourselves to the basics: a clear proclamation of the truth, an uncompromising fidelity to our principles, and an unwavering commitment to civil disobedience.

"Many in Church leadership failed to connect the dots between personnel and policy. They prayed and preached against the HHS mandate, but then were silent about the election, and called the police to remove citizens who leafleted the Church parking lot trying to inform voters about where the candidates stood on this issue.

"Meanwhile, the national pro-life groups have done outstanding work in this year's election, with initiatives, creativity, and energy as great as I have ever seen, and there is no doubt that the election results would have been far worse without that activity.

"The pro-life cause will prevail in America. In the elections of 2014, we will work for a pro-life Senate majority to further blunt the ability of President Obama to damage the cause of life.

"And in the meantime we will continue the cultural progress that is so clearly on the side of life, as more minds and hearts embrace the unborn, as more abortion mills close, and as more women and men speak up about how abortion harmed them.

Contact: Leslie Palma
Source: Priests for Life