May 3, 2010

YouTube Cartoons Teach Hundreds of Thousands About Population

YouTube Cartoons Teach Hundreds of Thousands About Population

Overpopulation is a myth screen capture

The Population Research Institute (PRI) has just released the third video in its YouTube cartoon series, designed to refute the idea of overpopulation with science--and stick figures. To date the series has garnered well over 200,000 views on YouTube, and has made PRI one of the more popular non-profit channels on the video channel.
This latest video is available online by clicking here, or by visiting PRI's web site:  Just under two minutes long, the video uses data from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Food Program to explain world hunger and reveal how overpopulation is not causing it. All this, while at the same time remaining simple, humorous and--most importantly--geek-friendly.
"We're excited to offer another great installment of our highly popular YouTube series," says Steven Mosher, PRI's president. "We can help educate young and old alike through this online video medium in the blessings of people, and do an end run around the 'lamestream' media's fixation on the outdated theory of overpopulation."
"We also have a web site devoted solely to these videos:," says Colin Mason, Director of Media Production at PRI. "The site retains the aesthetic of the videos, while getting into a little more detail of the science itself."
"We're very excited about the site," explains Joel Bockrath, PRI's Vice President for Operations. "All of our content is downloadable. We think this could be a valuable resource for students and teachers especially, who may feel alone defending a sometimes unpopular position."

Colin Mason
Source: Population Research Institute
Publish Date: May 3, 2010
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