May 3, 2010

Dutch Pro-Lifers Erect Display with 30,000 Unborn Baby Models

Dutch Pro-Lifers Erect Display with 30,000 Unborn Baby Models

Dutch pro-lifers display 30,000 models of 1 10-week-old unborn child, in rememberance of the 30,000 children that are killed by abortion each year.
On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the decriminalization of abortion in the Netherlands, the Dutch Pro-Life organization Cry for Life laid down 30,000 models of a 10-week-old unborn child. The display was erected in the Square next to the government buildings in center of The Hague, the Netherlands, on Wednesday, April 28.

A close-up shot of the models used by Cry for Life.
On that date in 1981, the Dutch Senate approved the Pregnancy Termination Bill, by the narrowest possible margin of thirty-eight votes in favor to thirty-seven against. The bill had been adopted earlier by the House of Representatives.

In the Netherlands, which is well known for its liberal views, each year the lives of approximately 30,000 unborn are terminated in the womb and discarded as medical waste. Abortion is possible up to the 24th week, with the result that foreign women often visit Holland for late-term abortions not allowed in the countries of their origin.

Many tourists paused and watched the growing field of models, while expressing their approval. People attracted by the beautiful spring weather left the Square after pausing and listening to explanations as to what effect abortion has on mothers, fathers and children.

However, as a pro-life representative attempted to explain the issue to a group of forty junior students, he was interrupted by their teacher, who ordered her students to continue their walk.

Prayer and worship was lead by Cry for Life President, Dr. L.P. Dorenbos. He said that he is convinced that the blood of the aborted lives cries out for vengeance and is determined to see an end to abortion by prayer and fasting. Later Astrid Mechielsen gave her testimony of how her abortion affected her life and the life of her six-month-old son Daniel.

During the demonstration police removed a small group of pro-abortion counter-protesters, who shouted slogans against Cry for Life.

Michael van der Mast
Publish Date:
April 30, 2010
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