February 2, 2010

Voice against abortion funding grows louder

Voice against abortion funding grows louder

The push to shove abortion coverage out of health care reform continues.

Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) 

Former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colorado) is touring the country for the Susan B. Anthony List, challenging Blue Dog Democrats who are pro-life to remain steady and vote against any health care reform bill that includes tax dollars for abortion.  Musgrave remembers the 1990s when she ran for office and abortion was not a good campaign subject.
"Way back through those years you weren't supposed to talk about abortion," she recalls. "But now it is the issue that could stop this health care legislation."
She believes the American people are paying attention, even though some in Washington seem to be turning a deaf ear. That is evident, she says, in the recent New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races and the special election in Massachusetts for the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. In all three cases, a Republican won.
"Anybody who would think that the [Senate] seat that was held by Kennedy for...46 years was going to go Republican, if someone had told us that six months ago, we would have thought they were crazy," the former congresswoman notes. "So there was a clear message there from the Scott Brown victory [in Massachusetts]."
Musgrave points out that surveys show 70 percent of Americans oppose the use of tax dollars to pay for abortion, and she suggests that voters bombard Washington with phone calls, e-mails, and letters, letting elected representatives know what they expect in health care reform.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Publish Date: February 2, 2010
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