February 2, 2010

Canadian TV Tonight to Air Pro-Life Ad Rejected in U.S.

Canadian TV Tonight to Air Pro-Life Ad Rejected in U.S.

Priests for Life Logo

A TV station in British Columbia tonight will air the Priests for Life 60-second video, "Everyone Against Abortion, Please Raise Your Hand." The pro-life ad features the hand and forearm of an aborted child.
"This is a breakthrough moment," said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. "We tried and tried to have this ad televised in the United States and met only resistance. That Canadian pro-lifers would take the spot and get their government's approval to air it is a great step forward in helping people see what abortion truly is."

Click here to view the video.

The ad has been available on the Priests for Life website (www.unborn.info) for months and when advertised on the Drudge Report last year, received hundreds of thousands of viewings, but has been rejected for viewing by American television stations.
"Perhaps the Canadian government's decision and CBS's broadcast of Focus on the Family's Tim Tebow ad will spark a new openness to allowing the pro-life view to be seen and heard," said Fr. Pavone. "For decades, abortion advocates have had their perspective advertised in the scripts of countless television shows. Fairness and the fact that over half of the American public calls itself pro-life will hopefully spur more airing of projects showing that the baby in the womb is fully human and, therefore, deserving of love and respect."

Contact: Margaret
Priests for Life
Publish Date: February 1, 2010
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