February 17, 2010



History of Abortion - Hitler, Planned Parenthood &  Margaret Sanger

Planned Parnethood and Nazi logos

Planned Parenthood Nazis This portion of the Death Camps tour looks at the history of holocaust. By comparing Germany's Nazi holocaust and America's abortion holocaust you'll see there is practically no difference between the mindset of holocaust then and now. As with slavery in early America, killing Jews in Nazi Germany, or killing babies in America today -- just because something is legal does not make it right. So how do you get a country to allow humans to be treated worse than animals? You use euphemisms to convince people that these actions are justifiable, or even beneficial.
Click here for the entire article from
Life Dynamics.

Nevada 'Personhood' Advocates Appeal Court Ruling

Personhood Nevada logo

Proponents of an initiative to change Nevada abortion law are asking the state Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling blocking circulation of their petition. Personhood Nevada organization President Olaf Vancura said Tuesday there's still enough time to get the petition on the November ballot if the high court grants an expedited hearing and rules quickly. Carson City District Court Judge James Russell decided Jan. 8 the petition was vague and violated a state law limiting ballot questions to one subject. A Personhood Nevada lawyer argued the intent of the proposed constitutional amendment is to protect the dignity [sic] of human life. He said future courts would decide how to apply the law. The ACLU of Nevada and Planned Parenthood argued the initiative would have sweeping effects on abortion.
Click here for the entire article from
TV-4 Reno.

Virginia legislature approves pro-abortion license plate

Virginia Pro-Abort License Plate

Legislators in Virginia have voted to approve a specialty license plate with the message "Trust Women/Respect Choice." Under the version of the bill approved by the state senate, proceeds from the license plate would go to Planned Parenthood; the state house bill, however, would direct proceeds to a state fund for pregnant women.

Virginia is among the 22 states with a "Choose Life" specialty license plate.
Click here for the entire article from
Catholic World News.

New York Times Editorial Praises DOD Decision To Stock Emergency Contraception At Military Facilities

mobile army hospital

The Department of Defense's decision to stock emergency contraception at military facilities worldwide "marked welcome, if overdue, progress in meeting the needs of women serving the United States in the military," a New York Times editorial states. The move came after the Pentagon's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee voted in November 2009 to include EC on the list of mandatory drugs for military facilities. The panel issued similar recommendations in 2002, but the Bush administration "chose to ill-treat servicewomen -- including victims of sexual assault -- to placate antiabortion extremists who view emergency contraception as a form of abortion."

The military's exclusion of EC from its facilities became even "harder to justify" once FDA approved the medication for over-the-counter sales. The DOD's decision to offer EC "is all the more significant given the serious, continuing problem of sexual assaults among service members," according to the editorial.
Click here for the entire article from Medical News today.

Head of Pontifical Academy for Life Should be Removed: Academy Members

Archbishop Rino Fisichella

Five prominent members of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life are calling on the pope to remove Archbishop Rino Fisichella as the Academy's president following their plenary meeting in Rome last week.

According to these key PAV members, Fisichella has manipulated both the media and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in order to deflect blame for damage to the Church caused by an article he wrote last year in which he appeared to condone the abortion of twins in Brazil.

Fisichella told Catholic News Service on February 12 that a state of "harmony" existed in the PAV. He said that the mood at last week's meeting was "serene and calm." He also accused his critics of "misconstruing" his article "for reasons of political exploitation," in order to create "a situation of conflict."
Click here for the entire article from LifeSiteNews.com.

Sign the Declaration of Health Care Independence

Join 100 members of Congress, thousands more, in standing up for Constitution

Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., signs the Declaration of Health Care Independence the Republicans unveiled ahead of the State of the Union on Capitol Hill in Washington

In less than two days, more than 6,200 Americans have joined the nearly 100 lawmakers who have signed a formal Declaration of Health Care Independence.

The statement is simple and thorough in its rejection of Washington plans to take over the nation's health care as unconstitutional.

It states:

We, therefore, the People and Representatives of the United States of America, do solemnly Publish and Declare that health care reform, as a matter of principle, must:

        * Protect as inviolate the vital doctor-patient relationship;

        * Reject any addition to the crushing national debt heaped upon all Americans;

        * Improve, rather than diminish, the quality of care that Americans enjoy;

        * Be negotiated publicly, transparently, with genuine accountability and oversight;

        * Treat private citizens at least as well as political officials;

        * Protect taxpayers from funding of abortion and abortion coverage;

        * Reject all new mandates on patients, employers, individuals or states;

        * Prohibit expansion of taxpayer-funded health care to those unlawfully present in the United States;

        * Guarantee Equal Protection under the law and the Constitution;

        * Empower, rather than limit, an open and accessible marketplace of health care choice and opportunity.

Click here for the entire article from