February 16, 2010

Largest-Ever Spring 40 Days for Life Set to Start Wednesday

Largest-Ever Spring 40 Days for Life Set to Start Wednesday

40 Days for Life logo

The largest-ever 40 Days for Life spring campaign is set to begin in 165 cities across the globe this Wednesday.

"We have always been amazed at how God shows up when his people pray and fast, when they stand vigil outside of abortion facilities, and when they conduct grassroots outreach," David Bereit, National Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life, told LifeSiteNews.com Monday.  "What we're most excited about this time is to be amazed once again."

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that works to end abortion through 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil outside of abortion facilities, and community outreach. 

"We have seen so many miracles" in past campaigns, Bereit recounted, "from 2,168 babies, that we know of, saved [in] past 40 Days for Life campaigns.   We've seen over 300,000 people involved in past 40 Days for Life campaigns.

"We've seen five abortion centers closed down following 40 Days for Life campaigns, and 28 abortion workers who have left their jobs as a result of 40 Days for Life."

40 Day for Life began in the fall of 2004, after a pro-life group in Bryan, Texas, prayed for an answer about how to reduce abortion in their area.  The campaign lead to a 28 percent decline in abortions in their community.  Soon the idea caught on in other areas and the first national 40 Days for Life campaign was conducted in the fall of 2007. 

Since then, two 40 Days for Life campaigns have been held each year, one in spring and one in fall.

The Fall 2009 40 Days for Life campaign became an occasion of special celebration when Abby Johnson, the director of the Bryan Planned Parenthood where the campaign began, experienced a conversion and resigned after watching an abortion on an ultrasound machine.  She is now an active pro-life advocate with 40 Days for life.

This spring's campaign will be conducted not only in the United States, but also in Canada, Northern Ireland, and Australia. 

This campaign promises to be the largest spring campaign yet; fall efforts tend to be larger than those in the spring because of colder weather.  Last spring, 135 cities across North America, Canada, Northern Ireland, and Australia participated.

Click here to get involved in a local 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, and to find a location near you.

James Tillman
Publish Date:
February 15, 2010
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