November 18, 2009


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Elderly and Disabled Could be 'Forced to Commit Suicide' Under Changes to Rules

A group of leading lawyers, peers and former judges including Baroness Butler-Sloss, the former head of the family division of the High Court, are warning that the plans pose "serious dangers for public safety".

In a significant intervention, they are warning the proposed changes go against the will of Parliament and risk reducing the Director of Public Prosecutions from an enforcer of the law, to an arbitrator.
Click here for the full article.

NJ Teen Barred from Abortion Protest Sues School

Camden, N.J. - A New Jersey high school student claims in a federal lawsuit that administrators violated her religious and free-speech rights by prohibiting her participation in a silent abortion protest.
The girl, identified in court papers as C.H., says she asked Bridgeton High School's principal last month for permission to join in the Pro Life Day of Silent Solidarity on Oct. 20.

School Superintendent H. Victor Gilson says the armband would have violated the school's dress code, and the district doesn't allow students to pass out literature on campus.
Her lawsuit was filed Friday by a lawyer hired by the Alliance Defense Fund in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Click here for the full article.

Nevada Life Groups in League with Planned Parenthood; Try to Stop Pro-Life Efforts

LAS VEGAS - As reported in the Associated Press yesterday, November 17, Nevada Eagle Forum and Nevada Life joined Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union in opposing an initiative effort that seeks to prohibit abortion in Nevada by amending the Nevada constitution.

The announcement comes less than a week after Planned Parenthood and the ACLU teamed up to file a lawsuit to restrict the ballot initiative effort.

Nevada Eagle Forum and Nevada Life stated that instead of outlawing abortion, they believe in "curbing instances of abortion" through outreach and education. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and President Obama's administration have voiced a similar desire to keep abortions safe, legal, and rare.
Click here for the full article.

Euthanasia of any kind unacceptable

At the conclusion of their Plenary Assembly at the Shrine of Fatima, the bishops of Portugal stated that any form of euthanasia, or any "action or omission that, by its nature or intentions, provokes death," is unacceptable.

In response to efforts to promote euthanasia in Portugal, the bishops issued a pastoral letter entitled, "Caring For Life Until Death." "Nobody is the absolute owner of his or her own life and much less of the lives of others.  Therefore," they said, "assisted suicide of any kind is ethically equivalent to euthanasia."
Click here for the full article.

Adult Stem Cells to Heal a Failing Heart

A treatment that uses adult stem cells to rebuild failing hearts reduced chest pain and improved activity levels for severely ill patients one year after injection, a Northwestern University researcher working with a Chicago-area device-maker reported.

Though still in early development stages, the work of Dr. Douglas Losordo, using technology developed by Baxter International Inc., is being watched closely by the stem cell research community. The trial data, presented Tuesday at the American Heart Association scientific conference in Orlando, Fla., is also important in the study of heart disease.
Click here for the full article.

Taxpayers forced to subsidize Carhart's abortion business

The police department in Bellevue, Nebraska have announced that the city now pays nearly $1,000 to maintain security cameras at LeRoy Carhart's abortion clinic - money that is taken directly from the taxpayer coffers to spy on peaceful pro-life supporters.

"It is outrageous, at a time when Congress is in an uproar fighting abortion lobby efforts to use tax money to bail out failing abortion clinics, that the City of Bellevue would arbitrarily decide to force taxpayers to subsidize Carhart's abortion business," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "If Carhart wants extra security, he should have to pay for it himself, just like everybody else."
Click here for the full article.