November 17, 2009

Pro-aborts send coat hangers to Congres

Pro-aborts send coat hangers to Congress

Pro-aborts are planning to send coat hangers to 20 "formerly pro-choice Democrats" (I wish! I hope!) who voted for the Stupak/Pitts pro-life amendment in the House healthcare bill. Click to enlarge...

Were pro-lifers to attempt the same sort of gimmick we'd have a couple options - photos of hacked mothers being taken by ambulance from front alley abortion mills, or photos of hacked babies after being aborted.

By the way, the actual number of back alley illegal abortion deaths in the US?

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association there were 201 deaths in 1965 and 119 in 1970. Since abortion has been legalized, I'd venture to say at least as many mothers if not more die every year these days. We don't know because abortion stats aren't rigorously kept, thanks to liberal feminist and abortion industry influence.

The only surviving NARAL founder, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, now pro-life, has stated they simply made up their "10,000 annually" claim.

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