May 28, 2009


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

More on Judge Sonia

from The Lake County Right to Life Blog by Lake County Right to Life
Do you watch Judge Judy?  Maybe, you will watch Judge Sonia.  Certainly the major media is watching Judge Sonia, but not quite the way they should be.  Certainly a firestorm erupted when President Obama nominated her for the Supreme Court.  In fact, recently President Obama said he wanted her confirmed so she could walk up the marble steps and begin to bring justice to our country. 
Click here for the full article.

Abortion supporters vandalize church, pro-life offices and university

The Abat Oliba University in Barcelona became the third target for vandalism by abortion supporters, who have painted pro-abortion graffiti on the walls of various places in the city.

In just one week, abortion supporters in Barcelona have vandalized the parish of St. Francis, the offices of E-Cristians and the Abat Oliba University.

"The new attack, this time on an educational center and the historic building that houses it, is the latest in a string of aggressions by supporters of the new law on abortion that the Socialist Party government is promoting.
Click here for the full article.

Proposal to Ban Abortion after 24 Weeks up for Debate in Romanian Parliament

The new Criminal Code would grant "personhood" to the unborn after 24 weeks

A new Criminal Code being prepared in Romania proposes to declare unborn babies as persons once they have reached 24 weeks gestation, and to ban abortion after that stage of development.

Abortion is currently prohibited after 14 weeks, with an exception granted where the health of the mother is at risk, a clause which has been interpreted liberally in the past.  The proposal up for debate in Parliament would disallow this exception after 24 weeks.  The killing or harming of the child would be criminally punishable for both the mother and the doctor.
Click here for the full article.