May 28, 2009

Baby Faith Dies at 93 Days – Doctors Had Pressured Mother to Abort Anencephalic Daughter

Baby Faith Dies at 93 Days – Doctors Had Pressured Mother to Abort Anencephalic Daughter

Faith Hope Walker

Myah Walker has described the time from her daughter's birth up until this past Saturday, May 23, as the "best 93 days of my life." Faith Hope Walker, the baby about whom LifeSiteNews had previously reported, passed away peacefully this weekend in the arms of her mother, a 23 year-old student living in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Myah, who maintained a weblog of her daughter's life, wrote on Saturday, "She looked up at me and opened her beautiful eyes, and I realized what was happening. I told her to go with Jesus. I told her that I loved her and that it was ok, that I would meet her in Heaven."

Faith was born with a condition called anencephaly, in which a portion of the child's brain fails to fully develop. With the prevalence in the medical community of eugenic abortion, the great majority of such children are not allowed to live until birth.

Myah has said that she was pressured by hospital staff to have Faith killed before birth via abortion. Doctors told her that Faith was alive only because "she was attached" to her mother and that even if she survived to birth, she would be neither able to hear nor see.

Myah, a believing Christian, was told by doctors that she could continue the pregnancy without risk, "Or, I could choose to induce early to terminate the pregnancy."

She wrote, "For some reason I had to give the doctors my decision over and over again, which was frustrating. One doctor asked, 'Can I ask why you want to continue this pregnancy?' I guess some people are baffled by unconditional love."

When the baby was born, she was apparently able to both see and hear and suffered no health problems other than anencephaly. No medication was required in Faith's daily care and she was able to breastfeed, although she also received nutrition through a tube.

As a "lethal foetal anomaly," anencephaly is widely considered justification for abortion or "early induction" of birth, even by some Catholic ethicists.

As has reported, Fr. Michael Prieur, the chief ethicist for the diocese of London in Ontario, Canada has justified the procedure for lethal foetal anomaly in his work at St. Joseph's Catholic Hospital in London. He wrote in a June 1997 paper that the hospital had been using early induction for children diagnosed with anencephaly since 1985.

Contact: Hilary White
Publish Date: May 27, 2009
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