May 27, 2009

Billionaire Population Controllers are Aiding a Disaster-in-the-Making

Billionaire Population Controllers are Aiding a Disaster-in-the-Making

Commenting on a May 24 story in The London Times, "Demographic Winter" Producer Barry McLerran said an association of liberal billionaires (called the Good Club) was "working with a 1960s paradigm" and that their philanthropy will exacerbate a 21st century problem.

According to The Times, the meeting took place in New York on May 5 (at the behest of Microsoft founder Bill Gates) and included some of the wealthiest people in America -- among them Gates, David Rockefeller Jr, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. Their combined charitable giving is said to have exceeded 45 billion British pounds since 1996.

The focus of the meeting was reported to be directing their dollars toward more population control. At a conference in February, Gates said the world's population will "peak at 9.3 billion, but with charitable initiatives such as better reproductive health care (code words for contraception and abortion) we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion."

McLerran commented: "Gates forgot to mention -- or perhaps he doesn't know -- that birth rates have declined by more than 50% since 1979. In most of the developed world, fertility is well below replacement level."

The "Demographic Winter" producer added: "Wherever the world's population caps, with rapidly falling birth rates, it will begin declining shortly thereafter -- perhaps as early as 2030, according to the United Nations Population Division. Instead of over-population, the crisis that confronts us in this century will be how to keep economies and nations going in the face of the coming de-population."

Said McLerran, "If the 'Good Club' really wants to do good, instead of adding fuel to the fire, it will consider the reality of declining birth rates and their impact on humanity in this century. Then perhaps they'll begin to realize that people are the one irreplaceable resource."

Contact: Don Feder
Source: Christian Newswire
Publish Date: May 27, 2009
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