January 22, 2009

Pro-Lifers in 118 Cities Launch 40-day Campaign

Abortion Opponents in 118 Cities Launch 40-day Campaign to Counter Roe v. Wade and New Administration

"As the country marks the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that imposed abortion on the United States, as well as the inauguration of the most outspokenly pro-abortion president in American history, pro-life advocates in some 118 cities across 41 states - plus four Canadian provinces and even Australia - have great hope," said Shawn Carney, spring campaign director for 40 Days for Life. "They're all preparing to participate in simultaneous 40 Days for Life campaigns from February 25 through April 5."

40 Days for Life consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, 40 days of constant, peaceful vigil outside abortion centers and Planned Parenthood offices and 40 days of active pro-life community outreach. The list of cities is posted online at: http://www.40daysforlife.com/location.html

The campaign dates of February 25 through April 5 coincide with the Christian season of Lent. "It's a perfect match," said Carney. "Lent is a season of prayer, fasting, repentance and renewal. It is our prayer that the efforts of the thousands of people who will participate in 40 Days for Life in their home towns will touch hearts and minds, save lives - and show that extreme pro-abortion policies do not resonate with the values of this nation."

There have been three coordinated national 40 Days for Life campaigns thus far, beginning in the fall of 2007. "The efforts of people at the grassroots level have shown a profound impact," said Carney. "More than 200 cities have participated, reporting more than 175,000 people united in prayer and fasting. Three abortion facilities closed following 40 Days for Life campaigns, and more than a dozen abortion industry employees have left their jobs during these times of prayerful outreach. And most notably, we are aware of 1,128 innocent children who were spared from death by abortion during these campaigns."

Even Planned Parenthood - the nation's largest abortion chain - has noted the impact of 40 Days for Life's previous efforts. A Planned Parenthood fundraising letter specifically identifies 40 Days for Life as one of the greatest threats to the organization's abortion business. The letter states, "the hard-edged, well-funded groups coming after Planned Parenthood are playing for keeps."

"I don't know about that 'well-funded' part," said Carney, "but we are playing for keeps in this effort to end abortion. Following the tremendous impact experienced during the first three national 40 Days for Life campaigns, I can't wait to see what life-saving results will be accomplished this spring."

Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Source URL: http://www.lifesitenews.com
Publish Date: January 21, 2009
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