January 22, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Obama Plans to Use Tax Dollars to Fund Abortions Overseas
U.S. taxpayers soon may be forced to hand their money over to international groups that promote or perform abortions.

Fox News reports President Barack Obama will reverse the "Mexico City Policy" by executive order Thursday, the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling.

Seventy-seven members of Congress have asked Obama to keep the policy in place.

Obama Reveals the 'Change' He Will Bring

'This is the most bold and comprehensive pro-homosexual, abortion-friendly administration agenda we've ever seen.'

President Barack Obama's radical agenda is prompting family advocates to steel themselves for a four-year struggle.

At stake: the definition of marriage and family, the sanctity of human life and many other issues. It's all laid out at WhiteHouse.gov.

"President Obama is no friend of family values, and that is made perfectly clear on the White House Web site," said Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst at Focus on the Family Action. "This is the most bold and comprehensive pro-homosexual, abortion-friendly administration agenda we've ever seen.  And this is no time for Christians to remain silent." 

Arizona Republicans OK Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

Hoping for a different result this time, Republican state lawmakers took the first steps Wednesday to make partial-birth abortions illegal. HB 2400, adopted without dissent by the House Committee on Health and Human Services, makes some major changes in the state's original 1997 law outlawing the procedure under which a partially-delivered fetus can be aborted. The original law never took effect after a federal judge concluded it was flawed.

Nebraska Bills Require Pre-Abortion-Ultrasounds

An abortion center would be required to position an ultrasound screen so a mother would automatically see her fetus, under a bill that is the legislative priority of Nebraska Right to Life. The measure is one of two ultrasound bills introduced by baby killer Sen. Tony Fulton, and one of three bills introduced this year directly related to abortions. The Right to Life group's priority bill (LB675) would require that the ultrasound screen be positioned so the woman could see the picture. "She has the option to avert her eyes if she doesn't want to see it," said Julie Schmit-Albin, executive director of Nebraska Right to Life.

Related News...

N.Dakota GOP Groups Support Pre-Abortion-Ultrasounds

Requiring abortion clinics to offer patients an ultrasound image of their fetuses is merely part of informed consent, just as an oral surgeon might show patients x-ray images of problem wisdom teeth before extracting them, supporters of the idea told a House committee Tuesday. Even so, the prime sponsor of House Bill 1371, Rep. Bette Grande, R-Fargo, said she's "unashamed" that the requirement may change some women's minds about the procedure."

Democrat Senator Introduces Bill to Fund 'Assistance to Pregnant Women'

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey has reintroduced a bill aimed at reducing the number of abortions by providing increased financial and educational assistance to pregnant women. The Pregnant Women Support Act was developed in conjunction with the Democrats for Life 95-10 proposal to reduce the number of abortions by 95 percent within 10 years. The bill authorizes social programs and education for women who want to carry their pregnancies to term. Casey's bill in the Senate is similar to legislation that was reintroduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Lincoln Davis, of Tennessee. Both Casey and Davis are anti-abortion Democrats and both sponsored previous versions of the bill in past congressional sessions.

Wyoming Committee Shoots Down 'Unborn Child' Homicide Bill

A Senate committee on Wednesday voted down a bill that would have expanded the definition of a victim in homicide cases and other crimes to include "unborn children." The House Judiciary Committee voted 3-2 to reject Senate File 97, titled the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act." Abortion rights activists opposed the bill, saying it was aimed at undermining abortion rights. Sen. Kathryn Sessions, D-Cheyenne, voted against the bill. She said concerns about the abortion issue didn't enter into her decision. Rather, she said the bill would reduce the ability of prosecutors to punish criminals.