December 4, 2008

Adult Stem Cells Help Stroke Recovery

Adult Stem Cells Help Stroke Victim Recover


Doctors in Europe have used adult stem cells to allow a stroke victim to speak again.


Walter Bast, of Germany, lost his speech and use of his right arm after two strokes. Doctors then inserted a tea bag-like package of bone-marrow stem cells from a healthy donor into Bast's brain. The stem cells helped to protect the brain cells from dying and repair the damage from the strokes.


Within a week of the treatment, Bast was back to good health. Doctors hope the treatment will soon be available to more people.


Dawn Vargo, bioethics analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said: "As new techniques are discovered with adult stem cells, we look forward to seeing these become mainstream treatments that may help people recover from debilitating illnesses."


Contact: Devon Williams

Source: CitizenLink

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Publish Date: December 3, 2008

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