December 4, 2008

Sen. Chambliss a 'great pro-life leader'

Victorious Sen. Chambliss a 'great pro-life leader'


The pro-life movement has welcomed the Tuesday night runoff election victory of U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss in Georgia, Susan B. Anthony lists calls him a "great pro-life leader."


By a 57 to 43 margin, the Republican Chambliss defeated Democratic candidate Jim Martin, preventing the Democratic Party from achieving a filibuster-proof 60 seats in the U.S. Senate.


According to the Associated Press, Alaska Governor and former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin campaigned on Chambliss' behalf, headlining across the state at four rallies that attracted thousands of attendees.


A pro-life Voter Education and Mobilization Program run by the SBA List reportedly contacted over 400,000 pro-life voters through media in Georgia prior to the general election and ran educational ads on Christian radio before the runoff, a press release from the Susan B. Anthony List said.


"Today Georgia voters re-elected a great pro-life leader in Senator Saxby Chambliss," said Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund. "The U.S. Senate needs his leadership and passionate protection of mothers and innocent unborn children. The Susan B. Anthony List and pro-life advocates across the country look forward to working with Senator Chambliss to fight for strict constructionist judges who won't legislate from the bench."


Dannenfelser claimed her organization's get-out-the-vote efforts made a difference in the race.


Source: Catholic News Agency

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Publish Date: December 3, 2008

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