December 4, 2008

Democrate Supermajority Blocked

Democrat Supermajority Blocked with Georgia Pro-Life Chambliss Win


Georgian Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss declared victory over opponent Jim Martin in the state's runoff election, dashing the Democratic Senate's hopes of securing a filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats.


Georgia's race was one of two in the country, the other in Minnesota, that had been too close to call in the Nov. 4th general elections. A bitter runoff campaign ensued, in which Martin emphasized the economy and Chambliss urged voters not to give free rein to Washington Democrats only one seat away from becoming an unstoppable force.


Chambliss had won the general elections in the traditionally red state with 49.8% of the vote to Martin's 46.8%, narrowly missing the 50% needed to avoid the runoff.  As the votes poured in on Tuesday, he pulled ahead of Martin 59-41 with 84% of precincts in, nearly tripling his original lead.  Some see the disparity as confirming suspicions that the second election would draw fewer Democratic voters without Mr. Obama on the ballot.


The Georgian Republican boasts a 100% pro-life voting record, having voted to ban partial-birth abortion and strengthen parental consent laws as well as protection for unborn victims of violence. 


Pro-life leaders hailed Chambliss's victory at a time when the U.S. Senate prepares to re-examine the rights of the unborn in the Freedom of Choice Act, a bill Mr. Obama promised to pass immediately and which would render illegal all state and federal restrictions on abortion.  Chambliss stands in stark contrast to Martin on the issue, as his Democratic opponent's record shows a strong pro-abortion agenda.


"Today Georgia voters re-elected a great pro-life leader in Senator Saxby Chambliss," said Marjorie Dannenfelser president of the Susan B. Anthony List. 


"The U.S. Senate needs his leadership and passionate protection of mothers and innocent unborn children.  The Susan B. Anthony List and pro-life advocates across the country look forward to working with Senator Chambliss to fight for strict constructionist judges who won't legislate from the bench."


Both sides of the campaign called upon popular politicians to stump for them in the weeks leading up to the runoff vote, and their relative success in gathering celebrity support may have had a significant impact on the outcome. 


Former President Bill Clinton and former VP Al Gore both stumped for Martin, but the Democrat received only a recorded radio ad from President-elect Obama, whose presence had been requested.  As for the Republican, Chambliss believes the eleventh-hour arrival of Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin on the campaign scene worked wonders for firing up the GOP base.


"Sarah Palin came in on the last day, did a fly-around and, man, she was dynamite," Chambliss told Fox News on Wednesday. "We packed the houses everywhere we went."


Chambliss showered praise upon Palin, and while he said appearances by Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani "did a great job" adding momentum to his campaign, nonetheless "when she [Palin] walks in a room, folks just explode."


Contact: Kathleen Gilbert


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