December 5, 2008

Abortion/Depression Link Plays Politics with Women's Health

Researchers Who Deny Abortion/Depression Link Play Politics with Women's Health


Leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (SNMAC), the world's largest network of women and men harmed by abortion, today criticized a report by Johns Hopkins University researchers that claims there is no link between abortion and mental health issues.  The report said efforts to show that psychological distress is higher among post-abortive women "appear to be politically motivated."


"The Johns Hopkins University report's allegation that studies proving the reality of post-abortion depression are politically motivated has to be the new definition of chutzpah," said Janet Morana, co-founder of the SNMAC.  "The Johns Hopkins study was led by a man, Dr. Robert Blum, who once chaired the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood's research arm, the Alan Guttmacher Institute, and who has been used as an expert witness by the Center for Reproductive Rights.  I wouldn't exactly call this a report done by a disinterested, objective observer."


"Three recent studies, from America, Australia, and New Zealand, documenting abortion's increased risk of subsequent mental and emotional disorders were conveniently ignored by the Johns Hopkins study," added Georgette Forney, another SNMAC co-founder.  "As I and thousands of Silent No More women can testify, the ones playing politics with women's lives are those who ignore the clear evidence of abortion's impact on women in order to advance their own pro-abortion agenda."


Contact: Janet Morana, Georgette Forney

Source: Silent No More Awareness Campaign

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Publish Date: December 5, 2008

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