December 5, 2008

Planned Parenthood Gift Certificates in Illinois

Unhealthy gift certificates in Illinois


Planned Parenthood of Illinois is offering gift certificates, copying Planned Parenthood of Indiana.  Their web site promotion asks, "What could be more important than your health this holiday season?"  Noting "it's becoming harder and harder to afford staying healthy," they suggest, "So think about giving a gift of health this year."


What PP has to do with health is unknown.  Their promotion of casual sex leads to more unwanted pregnancies, more STDs, and more abortions.  Pregnancy is not a disease and contraception is not medicine.  Contraception tricks the woman's body into acting pregnant to try preventing a pregnancy.  Sounds real healthy to me.  And that is before you consider the negative psychological consequences of broken relationships and casual sex.  Does that contribute to the increased rate of teen suicides?


Sexual health is achieved by practicing abstinence until marriage and fidelity and natural family planning within marriage.  Keep teenagers as far away from Planned Parenthood as possible if you want to help them stay healthy.  Casual sex as promoted by Planned Parenthood is never healthy, so a Planned Parenthood gift certificate cannot be a "gift of health." 


Planned Parenthood encourages continuing sex, even when they know it is statutory rape of a teen by an older man, as revealed most recently by undercover research in Indiana and North Carolina.  How is that for showing real care and concern for the health of young women who seek their version of "staying healthy"? 


Here is the text of the Planned Parenthood promotion...


Planned Parenthood Gift Certificates


Give the Best Gift of All- a Healthy, Happy New Year!


What could be more important than your health this holiday season? But for many people it's becoming harder and harder to afford staying healthy.


When we are trying to make decisions between what we want versus what we need- why not give both? By giving a Planned Parenthood Gift Certificate you are giving a gift of health- something everyone needs. The recipient can choose from a variety of services. They can put it toward their yearly gynecological visit which includes a breast exam to check for breast cancer and a pap test to screen for cervical cancer. The recipient could use it towards their next supply of their birth control methods, so maybe purchasing two packs of pills instead of one.


So think about giving a gift of health this year. And if by chance you have already bought and wrapped that beautiful pearl necklace or designer watch- there's always New Year's Eve to think about...


Gift certificates can be purchased in denominations of $10, $25 and $50 at any Planned Parenthood of Illinois Health Center beginning Monday December 8th, 2008.


Contact: William Beckman

Source: Illinois Right to Life Committee / Illinois Review

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Publish Date: December 4, 2008

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