May 30, 2019

‘The Big Bang Theory’ finale shows character growth. But abortion fans aren’t happy.

POP CULTURE ‘The Big Bang Theory’ finale shows character growth. But abortion fans aren’t happy.
The Big Bang Theory finally drew the curtains on its popular saga of young scientists and their awkward social lives with the airing of its 276th episode this month, earning the title of longest running American multi-camera sitcom. The show’s twelfth season brings substantial (but thematically consistent) growth to the otherwise static environment of reliable laughs.

The big surprise: Penny (Kaley Cuoco) — the aspiring actress from Nebraska who moved in next door a decade ago and eventually married experimental physicist Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki) — has an unplanned pregnancy and is happy about it, despite originally never wanting to have children. Like Kaley Cuoco described her role in a red carpet interview, it’s an “ending yet beginning,” and she’s “thrilled” with the story. “There’s not anything catastrophic, it’s just beautiful,” Cuoco told Entertainment Tonight.

But Vanity Fair columnist Laura Bradley didn’t find Penny’s change of heart and circumstances so endearing, for reasons having less to do with the craft of television writing and more to do with… well, Alabama and pro-life legislation...  Click here for more.

Pro-life leaders denounce Netflix’s threat to boycott Georgia over pro-life law

Pro-life leaders denounce Netflix’s threat to boycott Georgia over pro-life law

Netflix has become the latest, and arguably the biggest, entertainment name threatening to boycott Georgia over its recently-enacted heartbeat law, provoking several pro-lifers to threaten their own boycott of the streaming service.

House Bill 481 forbids abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected except in cases of rape, incest, physical medical emergencies, and pregnancies deemed “medically futile.” If allowed to take effect, it will ban abortions in all other cases as early as six weeks into a pregnancy starting in January 2020. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed it into law earlier this month, declaring Georgia a “state that values life” and “stand(s) up for those who are unable to speak for themselves."  Click here for more.

Louisiana’s Dem governor to sign bill protecting babies with beating hearts from abortion

Louisiana’s Dem governor to sign bill protecting babies with beating hearts from abortion
Louisiana will soon become the latest state to ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, thanks to an impending signature from a rare pro-life Democrat.

On Wednesday, the Louisiana House voted 79-23 to give final approval to legislation that forbids aborting any baby with a detectable heartbeat, except to “prevent the death of a pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman,” or if the baby “has a profound and irremediable congenital or chromosomal anomaly that is incompatible with sustaining life after birth.”  Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards confirmed he would sign the bill in a statement, declaring he “ran for governor as a pro-life candidate after serving as a pro-life legislator for eight years” and has “been true to my word and my beliefs on this issue.”  Click here for more.

Judge hears arguments on whether to save license of last abortion center in Missouri

Judge hears arguments on whether to save license of last abortion center in Missouri
A judge heard an hour’s worth of oral arguments Thursday on whether to allow Missouri health officials to pull the abortion license of a scandal-plagued facility in St. Louis, the outcome of which could make Missouri the first state in America to be virtually abortion-free.

The abortion giant has filed a lawsuit St. Louis Circuit Court seeking a restraining order to preserve its license, without which it would have to stop committing abortions once its current license expires on Friday. It would remain open to offer non-abortion services.  Click here for more.

Proposed HHS rule would overturn Obama era mandates on abortion

Proposed HHS rule would overturn Obama era mandates on abortion
Last Friday the Department of Health and Human Services issued a proposed rule that would amend Obama-era regulations related to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

There are many components outside our purview. What matters to single-issue pro-life organizations such as NRLC is that the proposed HHS rule would clarify that Section 1557 shall not force a recipient of federal funding to provide or pay for an abortion. In other words, the proposed rule makes perfectly clear what the Obama administration was determined to muddle–that the federal definition of sex discrimination in the ACA does not include abortion.

Section 1557 of the ACA prohibits a health program from discriminating, among other things, on the basis of sex. The definition of “sex” refers to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.

The Obama Administration issued regulations implementing this rule. When it did, it defined “discrimination on the basis of sex” to include abortion (“termination of pregnancy”).

The implication was clear: health care entities that participate in federal health programs must provide abortion. This mandate contradicted longstanding pro-life provisions such as the Hyde Amendment, the Weldon Amendment, the Church Amendment, and the Coats-Snowe Amendment, not to mention the First Amendment.

A portion of the proposed rule adds the abortion exemption language included in the text of Title IX.

Put another way, the proposed rule reinstates what was the clear understanding—that it is not “discrimination on the basis of sex” for an individual doctor or a facility to refuse to abort. The Trump administration simply intends to enforce the law as written. Click here for more.

May 29, 2019

URGENT ACTION ALERT - SB 25 passes Committee 8 to 4 - The Fight for Life Continues in Illinois on the Floor

The fight for life continues in Illinois!

Senate Bill 25 has been amended by the House to contain the pro-abortion language of the Reproductive Health Act including laying the foundation for the repeal of Parental Notification.  It passed the Senate Public Health Committee with a vote of 8 to 4.  The bill was not called on May 30th in the Senate for concurrence, so to make the deadline, it will have to be heard on Friday the 31st so there is still time to make that call your Senator.

Call your Illinois Senator, tell them to vote NO on SB 25

To find your Senator's contact information, please visit:

Abortion on verge of becoming limitless right in Illinois

Abortion on verge of becoming limitless right in Illinois
A pro-life legal expert says the right to abortion would become the “summit” right in Illinois if the Senate, as expected, passes the Reproductive Health Act, which the House approved Tuesday.

“Even speech in time, place and manner can be restricted in this country,” former State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) (pictured), senior counsel and vice president of the Thomas More Society, told Prairie State Wire. “This bill places virtually no restrictions on abortion.”

The bill establishes in law “the fundamental right” to abortion, repealing provisions in the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 that includes spousal consent, waiting periods and criminal penalties for doctors.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, has said he is anxious to sign the bill into law.  Click here for more.

Click here for the current action alert.

VIDEO: ‘Dark day’: Illinois House passes abortion bill far worse than New York’s

The Illinois House passed a bill even more extreme than New York’s Reproductive Health Act, passed in January. Remember that? New York? Remember Virginia? That’s what started all of the ‘abortion wars’ among the states. And yet, the Illinois bill’s sponsor, Rep. Kelly Cassidy, claimed, “To our neighbors in Illinois who hear the news around the country and worry that this war on women is coming to Illinois, I say, not on my watch. To the people in Missouri and Alabama and Georgia and Kentucky and Mississippi and Ohio, I say, not on my watch.”

Someone should remind Rep. Cassidy that this war didn’t start with Alabama or Georgia or Missouri. (Indeed, even the Chicago Sun-Times notes that this extreme pro-abortion legislation was introduced in February of this year.) The flurry pro-life legislation came in reaction to New York’s extreme legislation, passed by a Democrat-controlled legislature who wanted to “codify Roe,” in the words of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Click here for more.

As you can see from the video below, when Rep. Bourne sought to question bill sponsor Rep. Kelly Cassidy, Cassidy’s answer to nearly every question — when she wasn’t stonewalling — was, “This treats abortion care like any other health care.” In other words, the legislation completely ignores what abortion actually is and does. Abortion kills a human being.

Springfield Bishop condemns ‘gravely immoral action’ of Illinois House passing ‘radical’ pro-abortion Reproductive Health Act

Springfield Bishop condemns ‘gravely immoral action’ of Illinois House passing ‘radical’ pro-abortion Reproductive Health Act
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois issued strong words against the Illinois House passing Senate Bill 25 on May 28, calling it a "gravely immoral action."

"I condemn the gravely immoral action of the Illinois House of Representatives in passing Senate Bill 25, labeled with a highly misleading title as the 'Reproductive Health Act,' purporting to declare abortion a fundamental right," he said.

"Christians have rejected the practice of abortion from the earliest days of the Church. Children are a gift from God, no matter the circumstances of their conception. They not only have a right to life, but we as a society have a moral obligation to protect them from harm. Legislation that deprives children of legal protection before they are born, allowing for the murder of children at any stage in the womb, even up to the moment of birth, is evil," he continued.

"I pray for our state legislators, entrusting them especially to the intercession of Saint Thomas More, a public servant who preferred to die at the hands of civil authorities rather than abandon Christ and the Church. May we also keep unborn babies and newborn infants, as well as all mothers, in our prayers and work to improve the dignity and quality of life of all people, especially the most vulnerable," he added.  Click here for more.

Click here for the current action alert.

May 26, 2019



Senate Bill 25 has been amended by the House to contain the pro-abortion language of the Reproductive Health Act and lays the foundation to repeal Parental Notification.  It passed out of committee late on May 26th with a vote of 12-7 and passed the House on May 28th with the vote of 64 to 50 with 4 present. SB 25 now on going to the Senate for a concurrence vote.  

This bill could be voted on at any time.  Time is ticking for the pro-abortion legislators to pass their bills attacking life in Illinois.  The Senate sessions will adjourn for the summer on May 31st. This only gives them about a couple days and they are desperate. 

Right now, to stop this we need to have everyone call their Illinois Senators' Springfield offices and urge them to vote NO on SB 25.

Follow this link to find your senator's contact information:

May 24, 2019

Pro-life leaders invite GOP to discuss language surrounding abortion exceptions

Pro-life leaders invite GOP to discuss language surrounding abortion exceptions
Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump insisted that state pro-life laws should include exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the mother’s life, a group of pro-life leaders invited the Republican party to discuss the way in which the pro-life message is discussed in America.

“The time has come for the Republican Party and pro-life advocates to reconsider the messaging that the abortion industry used and still uses to justify their deadly enterprise,” the letter read. “For too long the debate over protecting life left out children conceived in difficult circumstances, so it’s not surprising that opening up that discussion now reveals room to educate on protecting these children.”  Click here for more.

The pro-life position isn’t one of ‘force’. It’s one of of non-violence.

The pro-life position isn’t one of ‘force’. It’s one of of non-violence.
The pro-life position is not one of force or coercion; the principle undergirding opposition to abortion is the recognition that violence against innocent human life is inherently unjust. Abortion is — quite literally — violent force used against a human being in the womb. Laws that protect preborn babies from abortion do not “force women to give birth”; they protect a defenseless human being from being forcibly starved to death, dismembered by suction or forceps, and thrown away as medical waste.

The weakness of the pro-abortion argument that pro-lifers are “forcing women to carry to term” can be seen in their callous capitalizing on pregnant survivors of rape. One pro-abortion writer objects to “the inherent cruelty of forcing survivors of rape or incest to carry their fetuses to term, some of whom are likely very young women.” His concern for the young victims of these crimes does not, apparently, extend to those who are ignored and further victimized by the abortion industry.  Click here for more.

Trump’s health care conscience protections under legal attack from states and cities including Chicago and Cook County

Trump’s health care conscience protections under legal attack from states and cities including Chicago and Cook County
In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, 19 states filed suit in federal district court in New York to flout conscience protections for health care providers put in place by Department of Health and Human Services.

In the State of New York v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the plaintiffs charge that the Trump administration in its Final Rule engaged in an “unprecedented and unlawful expansion of nearly 30 federal statutory provisions,” which they claim would “compel the plaintiff states and local jurisdictions to grant to individual health providers the categorical right to deny lawful and medically necessary treatment, services, and information to patients based on the provider’s own personal views.”

California filed a similar lawsuit separately in State of California v. Azar.  Click here for more.

May 22, 2019

The Pro-Life Message at the Heart of Marvel's Avengers

The Pro-Life Message at the Heart of Marvel's Avengers
Fans of the Marvel Comics super-empire anxiously await the release of Avengers: Endgame this week and I’ll confess; I never expected to be one of them. But, somehow, the movies have me hooked.

Recently, I re-watched Avengers: Infinity War, the “part one” to the highly anticipated Endgame, and I couldn’t help but notice the film’s pro-life values.

Throughout the movie, the Avengers are faced with difficult decisions. Do they sacrifice one life for the greater good? Is it okay to let one of their own die so that they can save the planet?

The decision? “We don’t trade lives.” In other words, the good guys never choose to sacrifice the life of one person to “save” the lives of many  It is encouraging, though, to see how the Avengers series—popular with high school students—faces this issue of life, head on.  The Avengers are the defenders of life. .

But that’s not the only pro-life theme noticed...  Click here for more.

Dem who filmed himself harassing pro-lifers apologizes…for disrespecting Planned Parenthood policies

Dem who filmed himself harassing pro-lifers apologizes…for disrespecting Planned Parenthood policies
After a period of social media silence, the Pennsylvania Democrat who filmed himself berating peaceful pro-life protesters has issued a new apology – not to the peaceful minors he attempted to intimidate, but to Planned Parenthood and fellow pro-abortion activists negatively impacted by the coverage of his actions.

Earlier this month, State Rep. Brian Sims drew national attention by posting a video in which he followed a woman who was quietly walking and praying a rosary outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood. He attempted to shove his phone in her face and repeatedly called her “shameful,” “disgusting,” “racist,” and an “old white lady.”  Another video showed him approaching three girls, who he calls “pseudo-Christian protesters,” and offering “$100 to anybody who will identify these three.” Afterward, he approached a male protester and asked, “What makes you think it’s your job to tell women what to do with their bodies?” But before the man could answer, Sims declared, “The truth is, I’m not really asking, because I don’t care. Shame on you,” and walked away.  Click here for more.

Why Dan, Why? - Last ‘pro-life’ House Democrat votes for extreme pro-abortion Equality Act

Why Dan, Why? - Last ‘pro-life’ House Democrat votes for extreme pro-abortion Equality Act
Two weeks after delivering the commencement speech at Ave Maria University, Rep. Dan Lipinski, the last of a dying breed of pro-life Democrats on Capitol Hill, voted for the Equality Act, which guts every pro-life protection ever passed into law.

In light of his past voting record on pro-life issues, Representative Lipinski’s vote is confounding. Lipinski, who currently serves as co-chair of the congressional pro-life caucus, delivered a powerful speech during the rally on the National Mall ahead of the 2019 March for Life in January.  He also faced stiff opposition to his re-election by fellow Democrats, hanging on to his seat in Congress by a narrow margin in his party’s primary last year.  Click here for more.

Click here to contact Representative Lipinski, ask him why being pro-life he voted for the Equality Act.

May 21, 2019

URGENT ILLINOIS ACTION ALERT - Possible Vote Very Soon on Pro-Abortion Bills in Illinois

URGENT ILLINOIS ACTION ALERT - Possible Vote Very Soon on Pro-Abortion Bills in Illinois
Time is ticking for the pro-abortion legislators to pass their bills attacking life in Illinois.  The House and Senate sessions will adjourn for the summer on May 31st. This only gives them about a week and a half and they may be getting desperate.  To do this they may be attaching their pro-abortion bills to other bills in the Senate that have already passed out of committees.  This can be passed very quickly.

To stop this we need to put immediate pressure on our representatives to vote NO on the Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal Bill and the Late-Term Abortion No Restrictions Bill  even if attached to other bills.

Call your representative as soon as you can and urge them to vote NO on the Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal Bill and the Late-Term Abortion No Restrictions Bill.

This is an urgent matter.

To find your representative's contact information, visit:

For more information on these bills, please visit:

Texas woman narrowly escapes death panel, family transports her by late-night ambulance to willing facility

Texas woman narrowly escapes death panel, family transports her by late-night ambulance to willing facility
Donald Jones rescued his wife, Carolyn, from Memorial Hermann Southwest, racing to a different facility that is providing the conscious woman her desperately needed dialysis.

Donald Jones escaped the clutches of the hospital committee with his beloved wife in a private ambulance funded by Texas Right to Life in the middle of the night.

Carolyn was discharged from Memorial Hermann Southwest despite administrators’ protests–the same administrators who sabotaged transfer efforts.

When the 10-Day Rule of the Texas Advance Directives Act authorized hospital administrators to pull the plug on Carolyn against her family’s will, no one expected her to leave the hospital alive.

Miraculously, the Beaumont woman survived 60 hours without breathing assistance since hospital staff forcibly removed her ventilator on Monday, May 13, at 2 p.m.

Against all odds, Donald rescued Carolyn from a death sentence under the 10-Day Rule. Carolyn is now safe and stable in a new Houston facility, where she is receiving the treatment she needs while she awaits an impending long-term transfer.  Click here for more.

May 20, 2019

California Supreme Court sides with Planned Parenthood in baby body parts case

alifornia Supreme Court sides with Planned Parenthood in baby body parts case
The California Supreme Court has denied David Daleiden's petition to halt criminal prosecution against him. Daleiden is the undercover journalist whose videos allegedly reveal the involvement of abortion industry workers in illegal baby body parts trafficking. The Petition for Review, filed April 25, 2019, asked the state's high court t to overrule the Superior Court of San Francisco County's order permitting the unconstitutional intervention of special interest groups in the criminal prosecution.

Peter Breen, Vice President and Senior Counsel at the Thomas More Society, is part of Daleiden's defense team, which includes former Los Angeles District Attorneys Steve Cooley and Brent Ferreira. Breen responded to the denial: This decision to deny David Daleiden's Petition for Review means that Xavier Becerra , as Planned Parenthood's prosecutor-in-chief, will be able to continue his unconstitutional harassment of David, bringing charges against him that don't pass the "red face test."  Click here for more.

Conceived in rape, I am the 1 percent used to justify 100 percent of abortions

Conceived in rape, I am the 1 percent used to justify 100 percent of abortions
My biological mother was raped, yet she rejected the violence of abortion. I was adopted and loved instead. I'm not the "residue of the rapist", as Senator Vivian Davis Figures described those like me who were conceived in rape. I couldn't control the circumstances of my conception. Could you, Senator?

My birthmom needed an active Healer in her life, not an activist huckster.

As an adoptee who grew up wanted and loved in a multiracial family of fifteen and as a happily married adoptive father with four children, I'm here to say there's another side of this painful issue. There are others like me who were conceived in the violence of rape, like my friend Rebecca Kiessling, an attorney and passionate defender of life. There's the former Miss Pennsylvania, Valerie Gatto, Trayvon Clifton, Monica Kelsey, Jim Sable, Pam Stenzel, and many more whose stories offer a different perspective than mainstream media's myopic pro-abortion view. There are women who became mothers from rape who courageously chose life, like Jennifer Christie, Liz Carl, and Rebekah Berg.   I mean, who really are the extremists here? Those who think that every human being has the right to life? Or people who celebrate the needless slaughter of one million innocent humans each year in America?  Click here for much more from Ryan Bomberger.