The world's leading abortion provider is continuing to promote a graphic brochure advocating casual sex among youth. According to International Planned Parenthood Federation, the brochure called "Healthy, Happy and Hot" has become their most popular publication.
Aimed at young people with HIV, the brochure contains sexually explicit language and promotes casual sex with multiple partners, as well as oral, anal, and homosexual sex.
"Some people like to have aggressive sex," says the brochure. "There is no right or wrong way to have sex." It encourages young people who might have sex after drinking or using drugs to "plan ahead by bringing condoms." Another section suggests readers visit family planning clinics for help in preventing or aborting unplanned pregnancies.
The publication encourages youth to keep their sexual activity secret from their parents, as well as visits to family planning clinics. "You should find out whether there are any centers near to you where you can go without needing the permission of your parents or guardians."
The brochure criticizes countries with laws requiring disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners. Such laws violate the rights of people living with HIV, the pamphlet argues.
Planned Parenthood also distributed the brochure in August at the World Youth Conference in Leon, Mexico.
Originally published in January of this year, "Healthy, Happy and Hot" is now available in a Russian translation. Russia has the second-highest rate of HIV in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, according to USAID.
The Regional President of Planned Parenthood in Europe is Dr. Elena Dmitrieva, a Russian national who also directs the Healthy Russia Foundation. Funded by the United States through USAID, the foundation sponsors an ongoing health project there. Healthy Russia 2020 promotes HIV/AIDS prevention and contraception among youth and other vulnerable populations in Russia. Its self-proclaimed healthy lifestyles program for youth targets people aged 13-19.
Nearly $77 million in US taxpayer dollars went to programs in Russia in 2008, according to USAID's website. Part of this $77 million enabled family planning and reproductive health messages to reach more than 25,000 Russians.
This comes despite Russia suffering from a demographic crisis. The UN predicts that Russia's population will fall by 23 million over the next 40 years. In response, President Vladimir Putin recently offered $11,000 to reward families who have at least two children.
As C-Fam's Friday Fax reported earlier this year, a Mormon mother spotted the brochure at a closed-door, girls-only meeting sponsored by Girl Scouts USA at UN headquarters in New York. Since then, Girl Scout chapters around the United States have been roiled in a debate about the connections between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. Girl Scouts USA refuses to denounce the brochure and denies the brochure was in the UN room where the young girls met.
This article reprinted by with permission from
Contact: Seana Cranston, J.D.
Publish Date: November 11, 2010