October 11, 2018

New Human Slaughterhouse/Spa Opens in Skokie, Illinois

New Human Slaughterhouse/Spa Opens in Skokie, Illinois

According to the Chicago Tribune business section article, Carafem “chose the Chicago area for its third clinic because Illinois’ abortion laws aren’t as restrictive as laws in neighboring states.” Carafem is hoping to capitalize on abortion-seekers from those states.

Let’s not forget what Pinocchio Rauner—also known as No-Social-Agenda Rauner—did in support of his social agenda and deep-pocketed support for Planned Parenthood: He signed into law a bill that mandates that Illinois taxpayers pay for the abortions of state employees and women on Medicaid—and this when Illinois has no money.

Click here for much more from Illinois Family Action.

When the abortion industry fights regulations, it proves it isn’t pro-woman

When the abortion industry fights regulations, it proves it isn’t pro-woman
Last week, U.S. District Judge Greg Stivers ruled that abortion facilities in Kentucky aren’t required to have ambulance transfer or transport agreements with local hospitals, allowing EMW Women’s Surgical Center — Kentucky’s only abortion facility — to remain open. The now-overturned law had been challenged by EMW, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky (PPINK), and Planned Parenthood wasted no time celebrating the ruling, announcing that it could being committing abortions in Kentucky again (emphasis added).  "We are thrilled that women in Kentucky who need this medical service [read: abortion] will be able to access it here. We look forward to helping those women."

Meanwhile, others touted the ruling as a “victory for women” and slammed the law as unnecessary. The sad reality, though, is that government officials need to step in to police the abortion industry, because they’re doing a terrible job of regulating themselves.

Click here for more from Live Action News.

Illinois: New paradise for abortion industry "because there's no shame ... "

Illinois: New paradise for abortion industry "because there's no shame ... "
For decades, Illinois' longtime Democrat-controlled legislature has maintained and nurtured a legal environment welcoming to the abortion industry. In light of the Kavanaugh confirmation to the US Supreme Court this week, abortion providers are seeking locations where their businesses can thrive. Planned Parenthood has plans to add five new clinics to its 17 already in Illinois.

In contrast to neighboring states, the only restriction on abortions in Illinois is that minor girls must either obtain a parent's permission or a judge's bypass before undergoing the procedure. With the help of liberal Republican Governor Bruce Rauner signing into law a measure that forces state taxpayers to pay for low income women and state employees' abortions, Illinois is sure to see a sizable uptick in abortion clinics. Illinois and its legislature's favor bestowed on the abortion industry is making the state the place to set up shop or expand the clinics already there - an abortion industry paradise.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.

October 10, 2018

Pope Francis: Abortion is like hiring a hitman

Pope Francis: Abortion is like hiring a hitman
In his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis said that abortion “suppresses innocent and helpless life in its blossoming.”

“Is it right to take a human life to solve a problem? It's like hiring a hitman,” Pope Francis said in St. Peter’s Square Oct. 10, in a departure from his prepared remarks.

“Violence and the rejection of life are born from fear,” the pope added.

For this reason, parents who learn that their unborn child will have a disability need “real closeness, true solidarity to face reality; overcoming understandable fears,” he explained.

Click here for more from CNA/EWTN News.

Public buildings illuminated to raise pregnancy and infant loss awareness

Public buildings illuminated to raise pregnancy and infant loss awareness
In the United States, October marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Internationally, many other countries likewise designate October as a time to raise awareness and offer grieving parents an opportunity to share their stories.  In the United Kingdom, more than 60 charities join forces to hold Baby Loss Awareness Week from October 9-15 each year. The week commemorates babies who died during pregnancy, at birth, or soon after.

One way many cities are participating in efforts to raise awareness is by illuminating prominent building in pink and blue to honor babies who have died. Baby Loss Awareness Week is now in its 16th year, and each year more cities participate in the moving show of support for grieving families. An album from last year’s Baby Loss Awareness Week shows municipal buildings, hospitals, bridges, and landmarks that were illuminated.

Click here for more from Live Action News.

Chicago Planned Parenthood botches at least six abortions in under a year

Chicago Planned Parenthood botches at least six abortions in under a year

According to 911 tapes obtained by the Pro-Life Action League, two women were transported by ambulance from a Chicago Planned Parenthood to Northwestern Hospital via ambulance for serious heavy bleeding in the same month. The 911 calls were given to Operation Rescue and show that both incidences took place at Planned Parenthood on LaSalle Drive in Chicago, where at least six known women have been hospitalized from botched abortions since November 2017.

The first emergency occurred on the July 5, 2018, and involved a 35-year-old abortion patient who was experiencing heavy bleeding suspected to be the result of either an injury to her uterus — such as a uterine perforation — or an injury to her cervix. The second botched abortion occurred July 27, 2018, and involved a 30-year-old abortion patient with uncontrolled vaginal bleeding. In August, Operation Rescue reported that there were four botched abortions at this same Chicago Planned Parenthood within four months. These emergencies bring the total to six botched abortions in a 12-month period.

Click here for the 911 call video and more from Live Action News.

Man who slipped abortifacient into girlfriend’s drink is sentenced to 22 years

Man who slipped abortifacient into girlfriend’s drink is sentenced to 22 years
It is an extremely encouraging trend that judges are meting out serious sentences to men who slip abortifacients into their girlfriends’ drinks in an attempt to abort a child they do not want.

As reported in August, Manishkumar Patel was convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child. His girlfriend, Darshana Patel [no relation], was suspicious and did not drink the smoothie that was laced with RU-486. However she miscarried weeks later.

Tuesday, Outagamie County Judge John Des Jardins sentenced the 45-year-old Patel to 22 years in prison. Judge Des Jardins “also sentenced Patel to four years of extended supervision,” the Appleton Post-Crescent newspaper’s Chris Mueller reported.

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

October 9, 2018

Noted abortion researcher admits pro-life laws stop abortions

Noted abortion researcher admits pro-life laws stop abortions

For years, whenever pro-life legislation was discussed or passed, advocates of abortion told us it was a waste of time. They said that women would get abortions anyway, crossing state lines or taking matters into their own hands.

Now a prominent abortion researcher and promoter has told folks on her side to stop saying that. Why? Because pro-life laws are in fact leading numbers of women to forego abortion and give birth to their babies, a catastrophe from the pro-abortion perspective.

The headline from Diana Greene Foster’s (pictured) commentary in the very pro-abortion Rewire.News says, “Stop Saying That Making Abortion Illegal Won’t Stop People From Having Them.” The subhead elaborates: “Criminalizing abortion or making it less accessible means that some women carry unwanted pregnancies to term.”

Click here for much more from NRL News Today.

October 8, 2018

Sick children in Canada may soon be euthanized without parental consent

Sick children in Canada may soon be euthanized without parental consent

Doctors at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, known as SickKids, have laid out a “road map” for killing their patients, including cases in which they would do so without parental permission.

In the proposed policy published in the British Medical Journal’s Med Ethics, backed by the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics, doctors, administrators, and ethicists look at the “ethical challenges of providing Medical Assistance in Dying in a paediatric setting” and outline how assisted suicide would play out for children at Sick Kids. Their flowchart does not include discussing assisted suicide with parents until a “reflection period” occurs after the child has already been killed.

Click here for much more from Live Action News.

Senate confirms Judge Kavanaugh to serve on Supreme Court with vote of 50-48

Senate confirms Judge Kavanaugh to serve on Supreme Court

The U.S. Senate Saturday confirmed (50-48) the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Today’s (Saturday) Senate vote is a victory for Judge Kavanaugh, and for the President, but also for the rule of law – it is a victory for all who believe that the federal courts should enforce the rights truly based on the text and history of the Constitution, and otherwise leave policy questions in the hands of elected legislators,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley deserve the highest marks for their steadfast and courageous leadership during this contentious 13-week confirmation battle,” noted Douglas D. Johnson, senior policy advisor to National Right to Life. “Special commendation is due for Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), whose incisive public advocacy did much to dispel clouds of misinformation disseminated by many opponents of confirmation. In the end, every pro-life senator supported confirmation.”

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

October 5, 2018

POLITICS-GOVT After reviewing FBI docs, GOP senators vow weekend vote

POLITICS-GOVT After reviewing FBI docs, GOP senators vow weekend vote

A half-day after their Senate colleagues began reading over a confidential FBI report about Brett Kavanaugh, Republican leaders vowed Thursday afternoon to hold a confirmation vote this weekend.

"What we know for sure is this report did not corroborate any of the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh," Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, told reporters. "And the second thing we know is anything we did would not satisfy Democrats."

Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the first person to review the document, stated there is "no hint of misconduct" by Kavanaugh in the report, The Associated Press reported.  "So hopefully we're 48 hours from having Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court," Grassley told reporters.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

October 4, 2018

Wanted: Pastors ready to lead a Life Chain

Wanted: Pastors ready to lead a Life Chain

Sunday is National Life Chain, which is held every year on the first Sunday of October.

Life Chain is a sidewalk prayer ministry where pastors are encouraged to lead their congregation to a designated sidewalk location and share pro-life messages.

"There we stand solemnly, prayerfully, in order to witness to the public but also to permit God to witness to us," says Royce Dunn, director of Life Chain. "In that regard, Life Chain relies very heavily on the pastors. We say Life Chain is church-oriented and pastor-focused, and who can doubt our urgent need for prayer today when we see our culture collapsing around us."

Click here for more information on the Life Chain.

Click here for locations in Illinois.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

Before her death, Holly O’Donnell exposed Planned Parenthood’s horrific secrets

Before her death, Holly O’Donnell exposed Planned Parenthood’s horrific secrets

Holly O’Donnell, the former procurement technician for StemExpress who helped expose Planned Parenthood’s business of selling the bodies of aborted children, has died at age 27 from unspecified medical issues. O’Donnell, who was 24 when her testimony first made waves for Planned Parenthood, leaves behind a legacy of speaking up for the voiceless and standing up against the giant of the abortion industry. Many of her eyewitness revelations left us speechless.

We, the public, first “met” O’Donnell back in 2015 in the first episode of The Center for Medical Progress’s Human Capital series – the third video released by the center. StemExpress was exposed as a company that purchased the broken bodies of aborted children from Planned Parenthood and sold them to buyers at a large profit — a move that is illegal. O’Donnell states in the video that when she applied and interviewed for the job with StemExpress, she thought it was the position of phlebotomist lab technician — and StemExpress never said otherwise.

Click here for much much more from Live Action News.

October 3, 2018

Supreme Court rejects pro-abortion challenge to Tennessee’s pro-life “Amendment 1”

The ultimate outcome may have been foretold January 9 when a federal appeals court panel rejected a pro-abortion challenge to Tennessee’s “Amendment 1,” the 2014 ballot measure that stated “Nothing in this [state] Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion.”

It became official Monday morning when the Supreme Court declined to hear the challenge. Perhaps the High Court agreed with a three judge panel of the Sixth Circuit when it unanimously concluded “…[I]t is time for uncertainty surrounding the people’s 2014 approval and ratification of Amendment 1 to be put to rest.”

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

Gov. Brown surprisingly vetoes bill mandating abortion pills at all public California university student health centers

Proving once again, never say never, on Sunday outgoing pro-abortion Gov. Jerry Brown (D) vetoed a bill mandating that all public universities in California carry abortion pills in student health centers beginning in 2022. His reasons had nothing to do with the ethics of abortion but rather that there was no need, as we have noted in prior stories.

“According to a study sponsored by supporters of this legislation, the average distance to abortion providers in campus communities varies from five to seven miles, not an unreasonable distance,” Brown wrote in the veto letter. “Because the services required by this bill are widely available off-campus, this bill is not necessary.”

Click here for more from NRL News Today.

October 2, 2018

PROOF: Planned Parenthood aborts babies who could survive outside the womb

PROOF: Planned Parenthood aborts babies who could survive outside the womb

In testimony before Congress in 2015, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards claimed, “we don’t provide abortions after… viability.” She was answering a question about whether babies who survive abortions should be given medical care and treatment.

But not only did Richards completely miss the law (babies don’t have to be viable to be cared for once they are born alive; the law simply states that they are persons and deserve care if they are born alive at any age), Richards lied – under oath – to Congress and the American people. A number of Planned Parenthood facilities do abort babies up to 24 weeks — well past the age of viability.

Click here for more from Live Action News.

Pritzker blasts Rauner as not pro-abortion enough

Monday, JB Pritzker attacked Rauner as not pro-abortion enough

Governor Rauner's choice to agree with the Democrat majority in the Illinois House and Senate that taxpayers should pay for abortions was what Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates wanted - but it just isn't enough.  Monday, JB Pritzker attacked Rauner as not pro-abortion enough. Rauner hasn't come out against Brett Kavanaugh. He hasn't attacked Donald Trump enough.

Even though the governor signed the measure as they wanted, and Rauner and his wife gave over $50,000 to sponsor an April 2017 Planned Parenthood event, they're still not happy with him.They chose to endorse J.B. Pritzker instead (who also sponsored the Planned Parenthood event).

Click here for more from Illinois Review.

October 1, 2018

Over 500 Babies Born Thanks to Abortion Pill Reversal

Emily's son Zeke is one of the more than 500 babies born thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

For more than a decade, women have used Abortion Pill Reversal as a means to stop their in-progress chemical abortions and save their unborn babies’ lives.

Now, Heartbeat International, which took the reins of the protocol’s 24-7 helpline and provider network this spring, says the protocol has led to the births of more than 500 babies, with another 100 on the way.

“This new milestone represents not only 500 lives saved, but 500 women who were given a second chance to choose life and save themselves and their babies from a terrible fate,” said Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International, a global network of more than 2,600 pregnancy help locations. “Thanks to the prayers and commitment of all the medical providers, pregnancy help centers, and generous donors who make the Abortion Pill Rescue Network possible, 500 precious children are alive today.”

Click here for more from Pregnancy Help News.

Senate Judiciary Committee approves Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination

Senate Judiciary Committee approves Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination

Judge Brett Kavanaugh appears likely to be confirmed as America’s next Supreme Court Justice, despite inflammatory accusations promoted at the last minute by the media and Senate Democrats.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 Friday to approve Kavanaugh’s nomination, sending him to the full Senate for final consideration. Townhall reported last night that a Senate insider says Republicans have the votes to confirm him.

Click here for more from Life Site News.

September 28, 2018

Abortion contributing to disturbing decline in birth rates

Abortion contributing to disturbing decline in birth rates

For years, the abortion industry has touted choice, saying women should be able to have children when they are financially secure and ready to parent. The call for “reproductive freedom” has been championed so loudly that now, “[t]he human race is approaching the point where it’s no longer reproducing enough to expand the global headcount,” according to a recent story in Bloomberg, adding, “In the world’s biggest economies — the U.S., China, Japan and Germany — it’s already happening or will soon.” The story points out the population crisis is underpopulation, not overpopulation, as abortion advocates have perpetuated for years.

Of the four largest economies cited as having a declining birthrate, three are notable for their high abortion rates: Japan, China, and the U.S.

Click here for more from Live Action News.