November 3, 2017

National Right to Life applauds U.S. House vote to repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board

Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)
The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) commended the 307 members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted Thursday for H.R. 849, the Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act of 2017, to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

National Right to Life directed criticism at the 111 House members who voted against the bill. Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president, said

“Pro-lifers have long opposed IPAB due to concerns that it could reduce access to healthcare. The time to repeal this dangerous rationing board is now.”

The IPAB is composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats who are answerable to no one. The Board is directed to recommend measures to limit private, nongovernmental spending on health care to a growth rate below medical inflation. Although most news reports have focused on the Board’s authority to limit government spending in Medicare, little attention has been given to this more sweeping danger of rationing healthcare paid for with nongovernmental dollars.

According to Jennifer Popik, J.D., National Right to Life director of federal legislation, “IPAB’s powers go well beyond some benign effort to control Medicare spending. IPAB would recommend drastic limits for the Department of Health and Human Services to impose even on what Americans are allowed to spend out of their own funds to save their own lives and the lives of their families.”

National Right to Life is calling on the U.S. Senate to take action to advance this legislation.

Click here for more from NRL News Today

U.N. reinterpreting treaties to impose abortion

United Nations Logo
Two U.N. committees, one of which monitors compliance, are trying to deny the human right of the preborn child and skirt existing treaties to advance their pro-abortion view.

Dr. Susan Yoshihara, senior vice president for the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-FAM), tells OneNewsNow that through its reinterpretation of these treaties, the United Nations is, in effect, saying that giving a woman an abortion is a human right, while leaving the preborn baby totally out of the scenario.

"The first treaty [being reinterpreted] was negotiated in 1966 – that's the civil and political covenant that we're talking about," said Yoshihara. "And the U.N. Human Rights Committee has taken a bold and brash step [that's] legally unfounded to say that abortion is a human right."

Yoshihara also explains that these U.N. committees want to reinterpret older treaties and then try to enforce them on countries worldwide, including nations that first signed the treaties without originally interpreting them as declaring abortion a human right. She also believes the U.N. would even attempt to enforce these reinterpretations on countries where abortion is illegal or severely limited.

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Former Abortionist testifies “I am a mass murderer”

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist who is now pro-life
Dr. Kathi Aultman, a board certified Ob/Gyn and a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a former abortionist who is now pro-life bluntly told the U.S. House Judiciary Committee Wednesday as it discussed the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017 that “I am a mass murderer.”

This legislation would stop nearly all abortions by making it illegal for doctors to commit them on babies with beating hearts. Fetal heartbeats begin at 21 days after conception and are usually heard by parents when their child is six or eight weeks along.

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November 2, 2017

VIDEO: Democrat shouts down black pro-life woman at House hearing, accuses her of ‘ignorance’

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee
Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee (pictured), yelled at an African-American woman, accusing her of “ignorance,” after she testified before a Congressional committee about abortion being the “leading cause of death in the black community today.”

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), suggested it’s disingenuous to conflate abortion with social ills. Parker was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice as it discussed legislation banning abortions on babies with beating hearts.

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New video: Planned Parenthood gave out patient info to baby parts harvesters

David Daleiden interviews Holly O'Donnell
A new video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) presents a former “procurement technician” discussing the intimate relationship between baby parts harvester StemExpress, LLC, and Planned Parenthood.

The whistleblower, Holly O’Donnell, tells David Daleiden that Planned Parenthood revealed private patient medical information to third party contractors like her. As an employee of StemExpress, O’Donnell worked inside Planned Parenthood centers in northern California, drawing blood and dissecting organs from aborted babies. These were then sold to such clients as researchers at Harvard and other institutions. 

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Pro-lifers laud US Senate's confirmation of judicial nominee

Amy Coney Barrett
Pro-life groups are welcoming the Senate's confirmation on Tuesday of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. Barrett had faced hostile questions about her Catholic faith during her confirmation hearing.

President Trump's nominee was confirmed by a 55-43 vote, largely along party lines.

Barrett, a professor at Notre Dame Law School, was pointedly questioned by Democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee in September on how her Catholic faith would influence her decisions as a judge on cases of abortion and same-sex marriage.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), ranking member of the committee, told Barrett outright that her Catholic beliefs were concerning, as they may influence her decisions as a judge on abortion rights.

Click here for more from CNA/EWTN News

November 1, 2017

'Heartbeat Bill' gains 170 co-sponsors in Congress

Ultrasound Picture
A major pro-life bill has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, where it's gaining supporters early on.

The Judiciary Constitutional Subcommittee is holding a hearing today, Nov. 1, on HR 490, the Hearbeat Protection Act of 2017. 

The bill would require abortionists to listen for a heartbeat of a preborn child and if it's detected, the abortion could not proceed.

Although the bill is only at the subcommittee level, there are now 170 co-sponsors in the U.S. House.

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Study Reports that Abortion leads to increased risk of suicide, death and depression

The impact of abortion on women
On the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act, SPUC has released Abortion and Women's Health, an evidence-based review for medical professionals of the impact of abortion on women.

The fully referenced review is based on global research and lists a catalogue of physical and mental health problems linked to abortions. It was carried out by Dr. Gregory Pike, a medical researcher and the founding director of the Adelaide Centre for Bioethics and Culture, and will be sent to GPs across the county.

Click here for the full report

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World Medical Association reiterates strong opposition to physician-assisted suicide

World Medical Association Logo
The WMA [World Medical Association] and its national member medical associations, which include the Australian Medical Association, have strongly reiterated their long-standing opposition to physician assisted suicide and euthanasia on the basis that they constitute the unethical practice of medicine.

The WMA calls on Australia’s Victorian Upper House to reject the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill.

The Association cites its Declaration on Euthanasia which states:

‘Euthanasia, that is the act of deliberately ending the life of a patient, even at the patient’s own request or at the request of close relatives, is unethical.’
It also refers to its Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide which declares:

‘Physician assisted suicide, like euthanasia, is unethical and must be condemned by the medical profession. Where the assistance of the physician is intentionally and deliberately directed at enabling an individual to end his or her own life, the physician acts unethically.’

And further it quotes its Resolution on Euthanasia, which notes that the practice of euthanasia with physician assistance has been adopted into law in some countries and that ‘The World Medical Association reaffirms its strong belief that euthanasia is in conflict with basic ethical principles of medical practice, and strongly encourages all national medical associations and physicians to refrain from participating in euthanasia, even if national law allows it or decriminalizes it under certain conditions’.

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NRLC writes Congress is support of repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board

Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)
The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of state right-to-life organizations, urges you to support H.R. 849, the Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act of 2017. NRLC intends to include the roll call on final passage H.R. 849 in our scorecard of key right-to-life votes of the 115th Congress.

The mission of National Right to Life is to protect and defend the most fundamental right, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death. In that defense, we strongly urge you to repeal the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

The IPAB is composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats who are answerable to no one. The Board is directed to recommend measures to limit private, nongovernmental spending on health care to a growth rate below medical inflation. Although most news reports have focused on the Board’s authority to limit government spending in Medicare, little attention has been given to this more sweeping danger of rationing healthcare paid for with nongovernmental dollars.

IPAB’s powers go well beyond some benign effort to control Medicare spending. IPAB would recommend drastic limits for the Department of Health and Human Services to impose on what Americans are allowed to spend out of their own funds to save their own lives and the lives of their families. More can be found at:

National Right to Life urges every Member of Congress to recognize the importance of repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board. We urge you to support H.R. 849 to repeal this assault on our health care system and the sanctity of life and to reject the dangerous consolidation of unchecked government power which IPAB represents.

Thank you for your consideration of the position of National Right to Life on this matter of importance to our organization.


October 31, 2017

Vision 2020 - Week 36 - Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. (D) and Rep. Mary E. Flowers (D)

Pray for our legislators...

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. 
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
 It must be fought for, protected,
 and handed on for them to do the same."
--Ronald Reagan

For when they see their many children
    and all the blessings I have given them,
they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Jacob.
    They will stand in awe of the God of Israel.
Isaiah 29:23

Will you Pray with us?

Vision 2020 and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life would like to invite you to join us in praying for our state legislators.  We will send out information about a couple different state representatives each week for you to pray over.

Consider sharing this information with your ministry partners, your church family, on your website and/or your Facebook page.

We know that prayer changes things.  And we know that NOTHING is impossible with God. So let's join our hearts and voices together and petition heaven on behalf of the great state of Illinois!

Some of our legislators need prayer that God will open their eyes and change their hearts (or move them out of their positions) and some need prayers that they will have the strength, courage and boldness to be able to stand firmly against the opposition as they fight for life and family values.

October 30, 2017

Judge Right to Order Feeding of Anorexic Woman

A young woman’s parents listen during a hearing in front of Judge Paul Armstrong involving their 20-year-old daughter, an anorexic woman and her desire to stop eating.
A judge ruled that parents were able to become an anorexic 20-year-old daughter guardians and have her artificially fed against her wishes.

The primary purpose of society is to protect the lives of its citizens–even when they might not want their lives protected. That is why suicidal people can be involuntarily hospitalized for treatment–except for the terminally ill in five states, which is a terrible abandonment and statement of inequality.

So too, people with serious mental illnesses whose condition can be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt to be a threat to their own safety.

That is why a New Jersey judge is correct to grant medical decision-making rights to parents of an anorexic woman whose illness endangers her life.

Click here for more from NRL News Today

Reward for ensuring “Jane Doe’s” abortion?

Judge Patricia Millett
Judge should be at the top of the line next time Democrats choose Supreme Court nominee, writer says

Opening the floodgates for (short-term) hundreds of abortions for undocumented women and girls and an unlimited number going forward—well, you would expect pro-abortionists to very grateful. The prospect of Texas becoming an “abortion sanctuary,” as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton feared in opposing the abortion of “Jane Doe,” is music to the ears of the likes of Mark Joseph Stern of Slate magazine .

That is why he lavished praise on Judge Patricia Millett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. You’ll recall she was the dissenter last Friday in a three-judge panel of the same court which concluded it only made sense, legally and otherwise, to give the Trump administration until the end of October to find a sponsor for the 17-year-old girl.

When on Tuesday the full court D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the panel’s decision, the 6-3 ruling was to send the case back to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan. Within hours, Judge Chutkan ordered the government to “promptly and without delay” transport the teen to a Texas abortion provider. Soon after “Jane Doe” aborted her 16-week-old baby.

Stern correctly points out the full court’s majority dutifully followed Judge Millett: “Her dissent was so powerful that when the full D.C. Circuit eventually reversed the panel’s ruling, it did nothing more than explain in a single paragraph that Millett had it right.”

What should be her reward for advancing “a woman’s right to bodily autonomy?” Stern says nothing but gold: “It should also earn Millett a spot at the very top of the Supreme Court shortlist the next time a Democratic president gets tasked with making a selection.”

Click here for more from NRL News Today

October 26, 2017

VIDEO: Late-term abortion center offers to abort baby at 37 weeks for $17,000

Southwestern Women's Options Late Term Abortion Facility
A new undercover video shows the staff of one of the country’s most notorious late-term abortion facilities offering to abort a 37-week-old baby for $17,000 and help the mother get on Medicaid to pay for it.

An undercover investigator from Abortion-Free New Mexico, identified only as Felicia, went into Southwestern Women’s Options at 37 weeks pregnant. She’d had two tests during her pregnancy that indicated her baby had trisomy 18.  “If we are to see you here in the clinic, it would be $17,000” for the entire procedure, a Southwestern Women’s Options employee told Felicia. The employee was Susana Estorga, according to Abortion-Free New Mexico.

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Pro-life leaders blast Senate GOP for not approving Trump’s judicial nominees

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Pro-lifers applaud President Donald Trump for fulfilling campaign promises to nominate constitutionalist judges to the nation’s courts, but senate Democrats are holding up confirmation of 87 percent of Trump’s picks.

“We are witnessing confirmation obstruction on steroids,” the Hill’s Victor Williams summarized. “The unprecedented obstruction is, obviously, part of a wider attempt by partisan opponents to discredit Donald Trump’s election; to ‘resist’ Trump’s governance.”

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Twitter censors pro-life ad saying abortion supporters favor ‘killing babies’

Mark Herring
The latest Susan B. Anthony List pro-life ad comparing Virginia Attorney General candidates Mark Herring and John Adams was  censored by Twitter and was deemed unacceptable because it used the term “killing babies.”

The ad accurately described Herring as a “pro-abortion radical” who supports taxpayer-funded abortions, late-term abortions, and abortions on minors without parental consent.

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Undocumented teenager aborts unborn child day after D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision

Ken Paxton, Texas attorney general
The 17-year-old undocumented teenager, the center of a month-long legal battle, aborted her 16 week-old baby this morning, according to a tweet from the ACLU.

Her abortion came a day after the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a prior decision by a three-judge panel of the same court that had given the federal government until October 31 to find a sponsor for “Jane Doe.”

The effect of the D.C. Circuit’s 6-3 ruling was to send the case back to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan. Within hours, Judge Chutkan ordered the government to “promptly and without delay” transport the teen to a Texas abortion provider.

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general who had led a group of attorneys general from Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma and South Carolina in filing an amicus brief supporting the government’s position, said, “Today’s loss of innocent human life is tragic.”

“This ruling not only cost a life, it could pave the way for anyone outside the United States to unlawfully enter and obtain an abortion. Life and the Constitution are sacred. We lost some of both today.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life

October 25, 2017

Pain-Capable bill would stop Carhart

Surgical Instruments
Leroy Carhart does abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy in Maryland, where laws permit him to do so. He recently tried to open a new shop in Bethesda without obtaining a state permit.

Arina Grossu of the Family Research Council tells AFN what would stop Carhart is passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said will come up for a vote.

"We want to see that happen and to pass through the Senate and end up on President Trump's desk,” Grossu says. "President Trump has already indicated and promised that he would sign the 20-weeks ban. This would ban all abortions in America after 20 weeks.”

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Former baby parts harvester recalls first day at work: ‘You can feel the death’

Holly O'Donnell
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a new video today of a former fetal body parts harvester describing her first day at work inside a California Planned Parenthood.

Holly O’Donnell, who has previously appeared in CMP videos describing her work as a procurement technician for StemExpress, said she “felt the pain radiate through my hand” the first time she touched the limb of an aborted human.  “You can feel the death,” she said, noting that the aborted baby through which she was assigned to pick “was something that was just alive.”

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Full Appeals Court opens the way for undocumented 17-year-old to have abortion

Judge Karen L. Henderson
On a 6-3 vote, a divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on October 24th ruled that a 17-year-old undocumented girl can have an abortion.

The judges vacated a three-judge panel’s holding rendered last Friday that gave the Department of Health and Human Services until the end of the month to find a sponsor to take custody of the girl, known as “Jane Doe.”

A spokesman for the Justice Department “said the administration is reviewing the order,” POLITICO reported. “He had no immediate comment on whether federal officials will try to seek relief from the Supreme Court.”

Short of an appeal to the Supreme Court and a stay, it is unclear how soon the girl, who is approximately 16 weeks pregnant, will abort. Clearly it would be soon. Jane Doe currently is in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a sub-division of HHS that oversees the shelter.

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