March 23, 2017

Pro-aborts are the violent ones

Pro-lifers are frequently accused by pro-aborts as being violent. The truth is, abortion activists not only defend the bloodiest practice on earth but are the ones who perpetrate violence.

Police report after police report shows abortion supporters threaten pro-lifers frequently, and actually commit violent attacks against pro-lifers, such as the shooting ambush of the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council.

Click here for more from

March 22, 2017

ACTION ALERT - H.R. 1628 The American Health Care Act of 2017

Federal Pro-Life Bill

H.R. 1628 The American Health Care Act of 2017

Status: Possible Vote on Thursday March 23rd

The U.S. House of Representatives is likely to vote Thursday, March 23rd on H.R. 1628.

This bill will eliminate approximately 85% of the federal funding of Planned Parenthood for the next year and eliminate the funding of abortions other than those to save the life of the mother from the healthcare plan and the use of tax credits for the purchase of insurance plans covering abortion.


It is urgent that you reach out to your U.S. Representatives to urge them to vote in favor of HB 1628

Don’t know who your Congressman is?  Click here to find your Congressman.

Ellen Page, Jennifer Garner Use Pro-Life Film to Benefit Abortion Giant

Hollywood is using a film with pro-life themes to fund abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

On April 8, the makers of Juno are hosting a live read of the movie’s script as a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. The Los Angeles reading will feature an all-female cast, including original Juno stars Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner. The hit 2007 movie followed the story of a teenager who gives up her baby for adoption following an unplanned pregnancy.

However, Juno director Jason Reitman denies that the movie promoted a culture of life. According to Entertainment Weekly, Reitman wanted the reading to “resolve one point of debate” about the film: that it was about choice, not life.

“If there was any confusion about whether Juno was pro-choice or pro-life, this should settle that,” Reitman insisted. “Juno had a choice, and that was the most important part.”

But the reason pro-lifers marvel at the film goes way, way beyond the good news that she doesn’t take her child’s life. Let me cite just a few qualities about “Juno” that are pro-life in a way that goes well beyond the happy outcome.

Click here for more from National Right to Life

Click here for an earlier article from National Right to Life on the movie Juno "The Real Lesson of Juno"

Vision 2020 - Week 8 - Rep. Jaime M. Andrade Jr. (D) and Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy (D)

The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is proud to partner with Vision 2020 in prayer for our Illinois legislators.  Please remember to pray each week in  support of those who fight for life and for a change of heart for those who oppose life.

- Join us in praying for our state legislators

We would like to invite you to join us in praying for our state legislators.  We will send out information about a couple different state representatives each week for you to pray over.  

Consider sharing this information with your ministry partners, your church family, on your website and/or your Facebook page.  

We know that prayer changes things.  And we know that NOTHING is impossible with God. So let's join our hearts and voices together and petition heaven on behalf of the great state of Illinois!
Both of these Representatives voted to pass HB40 (taxpayer funding of abortion) out of the Human Services Committee 
O God, hear my prayer; give ear 
to the words of my mouth.

Life Advocacy Day - March 29th in Springfield

                               Click here for the registration form

March 21, 2017

Help confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court!

Judge Neil Gorsuch
Judge Neil Gorsuch
The critically important confirmation hearings for Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court have begun.

Judge Gorsuch will do what a Supreme Court justice is supposed to do: interpret the law, not make it.

He knows that laws are to be made by legislative bodies, not courts.

With his judicial philosophy, Judge Gorsuch has ruled in favor of litigants like Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor. He has written a book in which he defended the idea “that human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable, and that the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”

Please do this now:

1) Use this link to contact your two U.S. senators and ask them to vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and to do whatever is necessary to overcome any attempt to obstruct a final vote on his confirmation.

Click here for more from National Right to Life

Abortion is not HealthCare: the new Republican Health Care Plan

Pro-life House Speaker Paul Ryan Introduces American Health Care Act
Paul Ryan Introduces American Health Care Act
The Republican-led House of Representatives has unveiled the American Health Care Act (AHCA). The AHCA would undo the numerous abortion-expanding provisions that became law in March, 2010, as part of the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148), known as Obamacare.

The House leadership, along with those who have contributed to the draft under consideration in the House of Representatives, has included multiple provisions to prevent government dollars from paying for elective abortions.

This is crucial. By conservative estimates, more than two million Americans were born and are with us today, who would have been aborted, if the Hyde Amendment had not been in place. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute has termed this a “tragic result,” but NRLC regards it a major pro-life success story. The Hyde Amendment is the most successful domestic “abortion reduction” policy ever enacted by Congress.

In short, restrictions on the government funding of abortion save lives! Unfortunately, the Hyde amendment (which applies to Medicaid) does not apply to the AHCA, as it did not apply to Obamacare. However, the newly unveiled AHCA places numerous crucial Hyde-like restrictions on new government health care spending.

Click here for more from National Right to Life

HB 3735 Clinic Crimes Bill

Illinois Pro-abort Bill:

HB 3735 Clinic Crimes Bill

House Sponsors:
Rep. Conroy

Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading in the House


HB 3735 Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that it is an aggravating factor in sentencing that the defendant committed a crime of violence or criminal damage to property in a woman's health clinic or on the real property comprising the clinic or who intimidates persons attending the clinic or physicians or nurses at the clinic performing services at the clinic. Defines "woman's health clinic" and "crime of violence".

The Illinois Federation for Right to Life does not support violence at or property damage to abortion clinics.  The serious problem with HB 3735, is that it will enhance penalties for imprisonment on speech that is not approved by others by the addition of “intimidation” in this bill.   Protecting free speech, even those we don’t agree with, should generally be all of our concerns.

In the heated debate of abortion, is a person holding a sign that shows aborted baby pictures showing “contempt or ridicule?”   Does heated speech where a person cries out “Don’t kill your baby” rise to “contempt or ridicule” so that it is a crime that carries” 2 years and not more than 10 years in prison?” 

HB 3735 will be “an aggravating factor in sentencing” if done at an abortion clinic rather than any other place.  This is clearly targeted at actually intimidating speech of sidewalk counselors and/or protesters

Now is the time to contact your Representatives.  Click here for contact information for your Representative.  Urge the to vote NO on HB 3735

March 20, 2017

Illinois Doctor, pregnancy centers sue Rauner over law forcing abortion information disclosure

The Thomas More Society filed suit this week in federal court on behalf of a pro-life physician and two pro-life pregnancy resource centers challenging Public Act 99-690, the controversial law that forces physicians and other health care providers to provide information about the so-called benefits of abortion and to give referrals to abortion providers upon request.

The suit advances claims under the federal constitution as well as a number of federal laws, including the Hyde-Weldon Amendment.

The plaintiffs are Dr. Ronald L. Schroeder, 1st Way Life Center, and Pregnancy Aid South Suburbs (PASS). Dr. Schroeder provides pro bono medical care to women in crisis pregnancy situations. PASS and 1st Way are pregnancy resource centers that help women choose life for their babies by providing emotional and material assistance to women and families.

Click here for more from Illinois Review.

March 17, 2017

What's the new plan have planned for abortion providers?

Kristan Hawkins, who heads Students for Life, says the replacement bill, the American Health Care Act, puts a lot of weight into Planned Parenthood being defunded.

"However, this could come down to a Senate parliamentarian -- whether or not the Hyde Amendment would apply to this bill and that Planned Parenthood couldn't receive funding, and also that abortion could not be funded in this new healthcare system that they're creating," she tells OneNewsNow.

Hawkins, Kristan (Students for Life)That is because it seems the tax credits could allow money from the refundable credits to pay for abortions in health savings accounts. But Hawkins insists that abortion funding, whether it is provided directly or indirectly, is not acceptable. In addition, the measure prohibits tax dollars from going to abortion organizations that get over $350 million in federal money, but presumably, facilities that provide abortion and receive less revenue could.

Click here for more from

Restoring our lost common sense about the killing of human beings

During the 19th century, scientists and physicians came to understand that the life of a human being (an individual member of the species Homo sapiens) begins at conception. The old idea that “quickening” was relevant to the nature of unborn children had been shown to be biologically mistaken.

“The true scientific position,” explained an essay published in 1866 in the United States Medical and Surgical Journal, “is this: from the moment of conception, when the spermatozoa coalesces with the cell-wall of the ovule, the ovum is a distinct human being.”

For Americans of this era, the humanity of unborn children settled the question of the morality of killing them. “Because the medical and legal establishment presupposed the moral axiom against killing innocent human beings,” writes Justin Buckley Dyer in his historical treatment of the subject, “the physicians involved with the anti-abortion movement in the nineteenth century thought a demonstration that life begins at conception was sufficient to establish the wrongness of abortion at any point during pregnancy.”

Unborn children are, as a matter of empirical fact, human beings. Intentionally killing innocent human beings is wrong. So abortion is wrong. Case closed. Unborn children deserve protection just like all other members of the human family. Consequently, in the mid- to late-19th century, states replaced the common law or earlier anti-abortion statutes with statutes banning all elective abortions, both before and after quickening.

But the commonsense view that killing innocent human beings is wrong isn’t as common now as it was back then.

Click here for more from National Right to Life

March 16, 2017

Touching story: 26-week-old preemie reaches out to nurse with tiny hand in captivating photo

A picture of a 26-week-old preemie reaching out to touch a nurse's hand
A 26-week-old preemie reaching out to touch a nurse's hand
The Daily Mail published the photo, found on a website for medical staff called Figure 1. It shows a tiny baby girl, born at 26 weeks’ gestation and weighing less than one pound, "seeking the comfort of human touch."  The baby girl's whole hand was only 3/4 of an inch.

"I was changing her nappy and she just held onto my hand," the nurse explained online. "I had to stop and just let her. Human touch is so important."

Click here for more from

Southside Rally 2017

Standing for LIFE, FAMILY & FAITH

We Rally For:
*The dignity of all human LIFE from conception to natural death,
*The importance of  the traditional FAMILY comprised of father, mother and their children,
*The right to express and live our Christian FAITH in the public domain without intimidation or repercussion.

Rally & 1-Mile March:

              When:    Saturday, March 18, 2017
              Where:   Mt. Greenwood Community Church
                            3509 West 111th Street
                            Chicago, IL 60655
              Time:    9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

For more details on the Rally Events:  Click Here

To become a walker, download your walker form:  Click Here

You can't join us?  Sponsor a walker here.