September 12, 2016

Pelosi: No Zika funding if PP doesn't get money

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
With the continued increase in Zika contractions, abortion activists have done their best to link the two together so that their funding will go hand-in-hand.

“Abortion has become a major issue related to the Zika virus because of a possible link to birth defects,” LifeNews explained. “New research suggests the virus may not be to blame for the uptick in birth defects in some areas affected by the virus. Still, abortion advocates have been using the virus as an excuse to push for more abortions on babies with disabilities. Some pro-abortion groups even have been scaring women into aborting their unborn babies without knowing if they have Zika – or if their unborn baby has a disability.”

Exploiting the Zika virus to promote abortion, Democrats in the Senate have seized the opportunity to say that both need to be funded – or neither – in order to properly fight the contagion.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

September 8, 2016

Democrats choose Planned Parenthood over Zika funding for the third time

Fresh off a seven-week vacation, Senate Democrats filibustered more than $1 billion in funding to combat the Zika virus because it does not fund Planned Parenthood, the third time senators have held up relief for the disease over the issue.

A spending bill that included $1.1 billion in anti-Zika relief funding passed the Senate on Tuesday by a vote of 52-46, eight votes shy of the 60 needed to end a debate waged by Democrats.

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New federal rule would bar states from defunding Planned Parenthood

President Obama speaking at the 2013 Planned Parenthood National Convention
The Obama administration is advancing a controversial new federal regulation that would bar states from defunding Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers, announcing the proposed guideline the Friday afternoon before Labor Day weekend.

The HHS rule would bar states from denying Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in Title X family planning funds based on any criteria “unrelated to the provider's ability to provide the services required.”

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Pro-abortion Justice Ginsburg to appear at Notre Dame events

Pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of the U.S. Supreme Court’s most pro-abortion and gay “marriage” justices, is scheduled for two appearances next week at the University of Notre Dame.

Advocates of Catholic identity at Notre Dame and other Catholic colleges expressed concern and criticism over the university hosting Ginsburg.

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Fame if Want to Die: Obscurity if Want to Live

Jerika Bolen
Jerika Bolen
A disabled fourteen year-old girl named Jerika Bolen is being celebrated in the news. Why?

Because she wants to stop medical treatment to die.

From the USA Today story:

Yet more than 1,000 people showed up for the party, with police and firefighters providing a motorcade. She received cards and gifts from around the world and shout-outs from a number of celebrities.

Think about this: If Jerika had chosen to carry on, nobody outside her family and community would know about her struggles.

But as soon as she chooses to die, she becomes a celebrity.

Click here for more from Wesley J. Smith on National Review.

Who is the Pro-Life Movement?

Who are we – the people called “the Pro-Life Movement”? Many years ago a syndicated columnist caricatured us as “a movement of bigots, ugly women, impotent men and fanatic moralists.”

Later in a book by a supporter of abortion rights, the author described us as “a bloody movement, a movement based on deceit, a movement not quite human in its modus operandi and its end.”

Characterizations like that continue today, and they are a natural response to who we are and what we believe. We don’t make sense in a secular, self-centered world.

We do for free what we wouldn’t do for money. We do for love what we wouldn’t do for power, and we do for others what we wouldn’t do for ourselves. That’s what it means to be our “brother’s keeper,” to “love our neighbor as ourselves” and to be “a Good Samaritan.”

However, despite such inaccurate characterizations of pro-life people, critics correctly use the word “movement” to describe us. That is crucial to understanding who we are. Pro-Life is not a protest group … not an organization … not a sectarian crusade.

Pro-Life is a mighty association of individuals, groups, churches, and organizations with people of all ages, colors, religions and nationalities. Pro-Life is a worldwide movement that has no counterpart.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Assisted suicide proliferation indicates moral decadence

First assisted suicide is legalized for terminally ill people, then [its] expanded to the handicapped, depressed people – those who don't like the idea of aging – and the list goes on and on, until it's pretty much out of control.

A 66 years of age, Joni and Friends International Founder and President Joni Earekson, has been a quadriplegic since she had a car accident at 17, points out that so-called “mercy killing” is under consideration in 18 states.

“It jeopardizes the weak, the medically fragile, the infirm – people with significant disabilities like me and the elderly,” Tada contends. “Boy, we're in a country now where healthcare dollars are getting more and more scarce, and that now makes assisted suicide a healthcare option to people with terminal illnesses.”

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

September 7, 2016

Pro-Lifers Mourn the Death of Historic Pro-Life Leader Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly
Phyllis Schlafly
The National Right to Life Committee, the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters, mourns the death of our friend Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away at her home in St. Louis on Monday, September 5, at the age of 92.

The following statement may be attributed to Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life:

We are deeply saddened by the death of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis steadfastly defended the protection of unborn children, and was a stalwart and compassionate defender of the most vulnerable members of society. Without her unwavering commitment, the Equal Rights Amendment would have been ratified 35 years ago – with all of its implications for enshrining abortion as a constitutional right. Phyllis’s dedication to the right-to-life cause helped guide the movement and her leadership proved invaluable. Our prayers and condolences go out to the Schlafly family and the entire right-to-life movement for the loss of this good and faithful servant.

National Right to Life Vice President Tony Lauinger, a frequent delegate to Republican National Conventions, worked with Phyllis for over 30 years in keeping the protection of unborn children a Republican-Party-platform commitment of the highest priority. “Phyllis’s devotion to the unborn child, her exceptional organizing skills, and her ability to educate and inspire others have influenced the Republican Party’s principled pledge to defend the sanctity of innocent human life more than has the work of any other individual.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

Phyllis Schlafly remembered as a pro-life inspiration

Pro-Life author, commentator and activist, Phyllis Schlafly
Pro-Life author, commentator and activist, Phyllis Schlafly
The passing of author, commentator and political activist Phyllis Schlafly prompted some pro-life advocates to remember her leadership across decades of political involvement.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said Schlafly “inspired millions to the fight against abortion.”

“Phyllis is the reason the Republican Party is a pro-life party,” Hawkins said Sept. 5. “Phyllis will be missed yet her legacy will live on through my generation and in the young women who are fearless in the fight for the lives of the preborn and their mothers on their campuses and in their workplaces and communities.”

Schlafly, a Catholic, passed away at her St. Louis home on Monday at the age of 92.

Click here for more from CNA/EWTN News.

September 6, 2016

From infancy to old age as displayed in a gorgeous 4-minute video

As we have observed dozens and dozens of times, arguably the best way to reach the undecided is to show them the marvelous complexity of the unborn child through her developmental journey. Reveal how what you see at fertilization is not only the same baby you will hold in your hands nine months later but also the same human being as she approaches the end of a long life.

The Daily Mail, bless its institutional heart, ran a piece today about the Korean artist and illustrator Seok Jeong Hyeon (better known as Stonehouse) which linked to a time-lapse video that traced a woman’s life from infancy to very old age, then finishing by flashing back to the drawing of a infant.

There are no words—none are needed–only gentle background music. Your eyes are riveted to this very brief (four minutes) tour of one person’s life.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

‘Consensus Statement’ to Force MDs to Kill

Bioethicists want to force doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals to participate in euthanasia, abortion, and other actions that violate their consciences or religious beliefs.

This wasn’t formerly a serious problem. The values contained in the Hippocratic Oath were consistent with sanctity of life moral conscience. That is no longer true.

A “consensus statement” signed by prominent bioethicists from around the world and published by Oxford University would force dissenting doctors to be complicit in such actions.

Click here for more from Wesley J. Smith on the National Review.

September 1, 2016

November election a matter of life and death

The presidential candidates are running on their parties' platforms -- Republicans pro-life and Democrats strongly pro-abortion. While Democrats promise more jobs, the party supports the killing of about a million children a year through abortion.

Terry Beatley of the Hosea Initiative tells OneNewsNow that is with complete disregard for the scars women experience because of abortion.

"You give that woman anywhere from 5 to 10 years, when she's now really coming to terms with the fact that she killed a child 5 to 10 years ago, and then the reality of women who have depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse because they're trying to cover up their pain," Beatley notes.

She says people need to learn the platforms of both parties and understand that when the November election comes, the voters who stay home and choose not to vote will be making a deadly decision.

Click here for more from OneNewsNow.

August 31, 2016

WATCH: Toledo abortion facility destroyed, to become pro-life ‘Hope Center’

An abortion facility that performed tens of thousands of abortions has been demolished to make room for a memorial site to the unborn.

Respect Life Ministries of Catholic Charities posted the pictures of the demolition on its Facebook page. “Thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

“Countless mothers and fathers who had abortions there have already come back to seek healing,” the ministry wrote. “In a few short years it will be the site of Hope Park ( where countless more can return.”

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Not sure how to vote in the U.S. election? Here’s Cardinal Burke’s advice

Cardinal Raymond Burke
Cardinal Raymond Burke
Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most outspoken defenders on Catholic teaching regarding life, marriage, sexuality, and the family, weighed in on the upcoming U.S. election, telling reporters that the faithful must vote for the candidate who will do the most to “advance” the protection of human life, defense of the family, respect for freedom, and care for the poor.

“I think that what we have to do in this time is to look at both candidates to see if one of them will not, at least in some way, advance the common good, both with respect to the good of human life, the good of the family, the freedom of conscience, the care of the poor, and to look at that very carefully,” the Cardinal told reporters during an international teleconference conducted by Carmel Communications and attended by LifeSiteNews.

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Many people still don’t know how pro-abortion Hillary Clinton is and why pro-lifers support Donald Trump

Pro-abortion Hillary Clinton
Pro-abortion Hillary Clinton
Few outside of pro-life circles know the specifics of why National Right to Life supports Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton. They may vaguely sense that, like her husband, Mrs. Clinton is pro-abortion. But, outside pro-life circles, few know how it would be nearly impossible to exaggerate how tightly bound Clinton is to Planned Parenthood, NARAL, EMILY’s List, and the like.

Consider how far to port Clinton is, how all-encompassing is her embrace of the ideology of the most militant fringe of the abortion movement.

Whomever is the next President, he or she will fill the vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia but as many as three more Supreme Court justices. In no uncertain terms, Clinton has pledged to nominate only U.S. Supreme Court justices who will continue legal abortion on demand. Three or four appointments could solidify abortion on demand for a generation.

Clinton broke new ground earlier this year: eliminate the Hyde Amendment which for 40 years has kept the abortion industry from picking the taxpayers’ pockets. The American public robustly opposes federal funding of abortion.

And we need not belabor the obvious: like all pro-abortionists, Clinton is always looking for ways to steer more money into the coffers of Planned Parenthood.

Donald Trump has already cited a list of potential Supreme Court nominees. All are pro-life.

Unlike Clinton, Trump opposes the use of your tax dollars to pay for abortion. He has also made it clear he opposes taxpayer funding of organizations that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood (the largest abortion provider in the nation), so long as they continue doing abortions.

And whereas Clinton would launch a full-throated offense against federal pro-life laws, Trump would veto laws attacking pro-life laws at the federal level.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

August 30, 2016

Groups Outraged that Planned Parenthood Hires KKK Supporter as a Contractor to Build Their New Mega Center in Washington, D.C.

In a conversation on the public sidewalk in front of the new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, the plumbing contractor tells Rev. Mahoney that he supports the KKK.

In the video below he says, "I'm from the south.  I like them." He was referring to the KKK.

Faith and pro-life organizations are deeply troubled that an organization which gets hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers, would hire a racist who supports the KKK and has no sensitivity regarding racial equality or justice.

Groups call for Planned Parenthood to immediately fire the plumbing contractor and donate all of his his salary to an organization that promotes racial reconciliation and healing.

They are also asking for Hillary Clinton, a proud Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger supporter, to publicly condemn the hiring of this KKK supporter who is building the new Planned Parenthood mega center in the shadow of U. S. Capitol building.

Click here for more from Christian Newswire.

Upcoming AMA fight foreshadows potential Supreme Court Battle

There is an effort currently underway within the American Medical Association (AMA) to abandon its long-standing position opposing assisted suicide and take a neutral stance. Assisting suicide is now legal in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and California, and the practice may have some legal protection in the state of Montana.

Why is that important? Both the national and state medical societies’ opposition to doctor-prescribed suicide have been instrumental in stopping the spread of these dangerous laws. In fact, when the Vermont and California medical societies took neutral positions, it was devastating to the efforts in the legislature to block legalization.

Following the national annual AMA meeting several weeks ago, its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs was instructed to “study aid-in-dying as an end-of-life option.”[1] Moreover, the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs has been directed to develop a recommendation “regarding the AMA taking a neutral stance on physician aid-in-dying.”

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

August 29, 2016

Little Israel Stinson dies after unexpectedly being removed from ventilator

Two-year-old Israel Stinson was declared brain-dead and put on life support in April 2016. “I know you’re going to come out of this, baby,” his mother Jonee Fonseca tearfully said as she tickled and tried to wake him. Stinson was removed from life support on Aug. 25 after a long court battle. (Life Legal Defense Foundation)

In an abrupt, unexpected, and surprise decision, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge Thursday dissolved an injunction that prevented a local hospital from turning off 2-year-old Israel Stinson’s ventilator.

The adorable little boy, whose brain-dead diagnosis was fought on two continents by his parents, died shortly afterwards.

“They are devastated. I think still in shock,” family attorney Alexandra Snyder told reporters. “It’s not even my child; I am still in shock this could happen so quickly.”

Click here for more from Natioanal Right to Life.

2016 Senate Elections: Staying Home is NOT an Option!

2016 Pro-Life Senate Candidates
Every election year brings with it new challenges, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that this election has been the most unpredictable election year in our lifetime!

But there do remain constants.

Every election, we encounter those who are so discouraged with how some races are shaping up that they hide behind their anger and sacrifice their right to vote.

And, every election, we make decisions that will have consequences, for good or ill, for generations to come.

In politics, we have to always be looking forward, being watchful and vigilant in a field that is constantly changing. But we can’t just look to the future, we must also learn from our past, being ever mindful to not repeat history’s mistakes.

Millions of pro-lifers have dedicated their lives to fight for the rights of people we will never meet, making sacrifices so that others may live.

As pro-lifers, we are constantly on the battle lines. We battle for the hearts and minds of Americans. We are on the frontlines in a spiritual battle as well.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We forget that these words represented a truly radical idea of the time. They fought on the frontlines of history, incapable of knowing the ripple effect their efforts would have on future lives. But they knew that these ideas, life, liberty… were worth fighting for.

We now find ourselves in a ferocious battle to keep pro-life leadership in the U.S. House and Senate, so that we can pass protective pro-life legislation that saves lives – and prevent the enactment of sweeping new pro-abortion legislation that would cost countless lives.

Each time you enter the voting booth, you have a ripple effect that will impact the entire country. You will be electing senators and representatives who will determine the direction of our nation and who will decide the next members of our Supreme Court. You will be electing local representatives who will decide whether your state respects life or passes laws that prey on the vulnerable.

Those local representatives whom you elect may eventually run for higher office. And so the cycle continues. Each vote we cast, or do not cast, will have consequences.

As we look to upcoming Supreme Court nominations perhaps the greatest responsibility we in the political field have right now is to ensure we have a pro-life Senate that will confirm pro-life nominees and block judges who would entrench and expand Roe.

This year, there are 34 U.S. Senate seats up for election: 10 Democrat seats and 24 Republican seats. All of the Democrats up for re-election are pro-abortion.

In the House of Representatives Democrats need a net gain of only 30 seats to take pro-abortion control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The battle for majority control of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives will have sweeping implications for the future of the pro-life movement and our battle to save unborn babies. The loss of the pro-life Republican majorities would be devastating to life issues.

Abortion is the ultimate human discrimination and we. Will. Not. Stay. Silent.

We will fight with our last breath for those who cannot speak for themselves. As long as there is the violence and injustice of abortion there will be those of us who stand against it, and work to protect all of our unborn brothers and sisters.

In every battle, there are soldiers, and every soldier needs their marching orders. These are yours:

Do not stay silent.

Do not be discouraged.

Do not allow fear to guide your steps.

Taken from an article by Karen Cross. NRL Political Director

Click here for more from National Right to Life.

August 25, 2016

Pro-life Kellyanne Conway picked to manage Trump campaign

Kellyanne Conway, new campaign manager Donald Trump
Kellyanne Conway, new campaign manager Donald Trump
When Donald Trump named Kellyanne Conway his new campaign manager, it is a testimony to the bias against the Trump campaign that it went virtually unnoticed that she was the first female to head a major presidential campaign

But what did not go unnoticed by pro-lifers is that a movement pro-lifer, someone who has labored in the trenches for decades on behalf of unborn babies, someone who in the past has polled for National Right to Life, is now in charge of Mr. Trump’s campaign.

“Kellyanne is very, very smart and without question more knowledgeable about public opinion on abortion than any other pollster,” said David. N. O’Steen, Ph.D., executive director of National Right to Life. “She will provide Trump with savvy insight and advice as he runs against the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever in Hillary Clinton, and a media establishment that is determined to elect her.”

In addition to having addressed the National Right to Life board of directors, Mrs. Conway delivered a general session speech at the 2006 National Right to Life convention. I remember her comments vividly because she patiently explained what happens when people are asked honest questions about abortion, not questions geared to inflate the “pro-choice” response: “83% of those surveyed want some kind of restriction on the unfettered access to abortion,” was her conclusion.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.