November 28, 2014

Former clinic worker describes aborting baby

20 week old unborn baby
Former clinic worker Zlata blogs about her time in the abortion industry [1]:

I remember assisting, once in particular, in the operating room at the clinic where I had been a medical assistant for six years. I was standing behind the doctor and could see everything as he was performing an abortion on a woman who was 20 – 22 weeks pregnant.

Late term abortions were usually a two-day process. On the second day the actual abortion was performed. The doctor first removed the laminaria and was then able to reach in with forceps to pull the baby out piece by piece. This procedure is very hard to do and requires a good deal of strength on the part of the doctor.

On that particular day, from my position I was able to see him extracting perfectly formed little arms, legs, toes, fingers, spine and finally the head.

I could see the baby’s face. I don’t know how to describe what I felt at that moment. I realized that we just killed a human being. But at the same time I thought: it is legal, so it must be all right. But my whole being was just screaming against what I just saw. I felt death. I was ashamed and confused as I was staring at the bloody parts of the baby. I can even say I felt the presence of the devil. It was very disturbing. My mind was so blinded by the darkness in it I was unable to do anything.

Sometimes I think about that day and feel that I should have run away, or tried to stop this madness. What were we doing, as medical professionals, as human beings? What happened to our hearts? Where was our compassion?

If this baby had been born prematurely at 20 – 22 weeks it would have had a chance to live. I thought, “People, think about what are you doing. What am I doing?” Think about the consequences of this abortion. Imagine this is you. Imagine you are in the most secure place you could be, in your mother’s womb. You have no idea how cruelly your life will end, how you will be torn to pieces. We betray our children. We interrupt their precious lives so abruptly, so unexpectedly. You think abortion brings relief, but instead it brings emptiness, shame, pain, regret, feelings of death. For six years abortion was the way I put bread on my table. For six years it was my life…

This is only the beginning of my story. My heart is burning more and more to tell everyone the truth. You are going to be hearing from me many, many times. I pray that God, the only God that we all have will open your hearts and give you wisdom and passion to stand up and speak up! WAKE UP, WORLD! WAKE UP!!!

[1] Source: Population Research Institute Review” September/October 2008
Note: Although this testimony only talks about late-term abortion, earlier abortions are often just is gruesome.

By Sarah Terzo, via NRL News Today
Editor’s note. This appeared at

November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving: A Profoundly Pro-Life Holiday

babyandhandAs the week ends, we hope all of you will be able to celebrate the joys and gifts of this life with family and friends. As you cut into the Turkey and perhaps watch football, we hope you’ll be blessed with the chance to give thanks for the good.

While it may not seem immediately evident, Thanksgiving is a profoundly pro-life holiday. We focus on the tragedy of abortion, the loss of life and the suffering of the unborn and their mothers. Working to end abortion and to restore hope to a culture which wants to dispose of its most vulnerable members can be a daunting challenge. But the foundation for why we do what we do explains why we are continually “of good cheer.”

We are pro-life, not anti-abortion, a distinction which is not merely semantic. To be “anti-abortion” is to express opposition for a particular act (the act of abortion), but it does not adequately express why we are opposed to abortion. Likewise the “anti-choice” label which advocates of legal abortion would like to pin on us does not reveal the moral starting point from which opposition to abortion arises.

To be pro-life is to state the positive good that life begins at conception, that life is worth living, and that it is worth being protected, celebrated, and given thanks for. It is only from the joyful affirmation of life in and of itself that opposition to abortion stems. To be pro-life is not to simply oppose abortion, but to first recognize and acknowledge a new life as being worth something of value—infinite value.

So it is entirely appropriate to celebrate and give thanks for life this Thanksgiving. For our own life, for our family and friends, and for all the mothers who did not choose abortion. We offer thanks for the knowledge that more than at any point in the last twenty years, more unborn children will have the opportunity to celebrate their own Thanksgiving.

It is likely not an accident that the two biggest events in the history of Thanksgiving as a national holiday occurred during the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt in the midst of the Civil War and later at the beginning of World War Two, respectively.

That these events happened during two of the darkest hours of American history, during our two bloodiest wars as a nation, is very revealing. Times of danger and anxiety are the best times to take account of our blessings and be thankful for them, just as the first Pilgrims were thankful for the Fall Harvest before the onset of a cold winter.

While abortion sadly remains a reality, there is still no better time to remember and celebrate the first and fundamental Right to Life, without which Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness could not be achieved.

So take a moment to give thanks for life this Thanksgiving, focus on the good. Therein rests our hope for the future.

By Jonathan Rogers, NRL News Today

November 26, 2014

Pro-life initiative shows the beauty of choosing adoption

Saturday, November 22 was National Adoption Day. For pro-lifers, adoption is an integral component in transforming the culture and ensuring that every life is cherished. Because of adoption, families are made whole, and mothers in unplanned pregnancy situations are able to make the best choice for themselves and for their children.

Last year, to celebrate National Adoption Month, the Radiance Foundation released the following spot featuring the Dunbars, a family made whole by adoption.

For Ryan Bomberger, the founder of the Radiance Foundation, adoption has a very personal meaning. Adopted after his birth in 1971, Bomberger grew up in a family of adopted siblings with parents who treasured each child as a gift.

Ryan’s life experience as an adoptee inspired him to promote the choice that gave him life. As an initiative of the Radiance Foundation, he started Adopted and Loved, which has produced TV ads like the 30-second spot you saw above.

Their ministry to support birthmoms who choose adoption,, helps to change the conversation regarding unplanned pregnancy outcomes. They state:

We want adoption to become one of the first options considered instead of the status-quo go-to of abortion. There are many forms of adoption–open, semi-closed, and closed–and birthparents can help shape the future of their daughter or son by continuing to remain involved in their lives. Sometimes parenting isn’t the best option for those facing an unplanned pregnancy, but expectant mothers and fathers can turn the unplanned into a loving plan and make a great parenting choice. They can choose adoption.

Through Birth Mom Gift Boxes and maternity clothing drives, among other forms of support, Sally’s Lambs strives to be there for moms who choose to place their little ones with adoptive families.

If you’re a birth mom who is looking for support, you can contact Sally’s Lambs here. If you have experienced the adoption process — as a birth parent, an adoptive parent, or an adoptee — the Radiance Foundation would love to hear your story at Adopted and Loved. To watch more videos about positive adoption stories, go here. Happy National Adoption Month!

Editor’s note. This appeared at

By Lauren Enriquez, via NRL News Today

1970s Rocker’s memoir tells of being haunted by her abortion, regretting her abortion, but defends “right” to abortion anyway

clothesmusicboysbookBack in late April, I ran across a blurb for a forthcoming book, “Clothes, Clothes, Clothes, Music, Music, Music, Boys, Boys, Boys,” the memoir of Viv Albertine.

As I said at the time, I didn’t have a clue who she was. Turns out Albertine was the star of the 1970s all-girl punk band, “The Slits,” a group that was hugely influential in breaking through in a very much male-dominated industry.

Albertine had an abortion in 1978 “rather than give up her career,” as publicity blurb for the book puts it. In the years to come Albertine tried IVF treatments eleven times and “lost two babies before finally becoming mother to a little girl in 1999.”

In the book, she writes, “I didn’t regret the abortion for 20 years. But eventually I did and I still regret it now. I wish I’d kept the baby, whatever the cost. It’s hard to live with.”

Well today I ran across a long excerpt from the book in which she described her abortion. What else do we learn?

To begin with Albertine is remarkably articulate and brutally honest. When she becomes pregnant, she tells us that her “mum” offered to help raise the baby and, if not that, suggested adoption as an alternative. Read the following section and how Albertine (looking back at her much younger self) recalls what she was thinking… the rationalizations she employed

Mum suggests adoption, but I think that’s crueller than death. That’s my opinion. To burden a child with abandonment and rejection right from the start. A living death. All or nothing, that’s me. I choose nothing. Nothingness for baby. I think this is a responsible decision. I will not countenance any other option.

“Nothingness”—a desire for emotional numbness–is the unmistakable theme that runs through her very sad and very revealing account. Before she leaves for the abortion clinic, Albertine calls her boyfriend to tell him

that I’m pregnant and I’m off to the hospital to deal with it on my own. He offers to come with me but I don’t want him to. I don’t want to feel anything. If he’s there I might feel something.

The day after her abortion

I can’t sleep. I think about the terrifying power that women and mothers have. We don’t need to fight in wars. We have nothing to prove. We have the power to kill and lots of us have used it. How many of you boys have ever killed anyone? I have. I’ve killed a baby. It doesn’t get much worse than that. Maybe your mother has secretly used her power to kill in the past and not told you. Maybe she even thought about doing it to you. It’s a secret and a burden she carries with her.

One other particularly telling quote. She meets a guy, Jeannot, who crushes her confidence with a dismissive putdown and then offers her heroin.

I laugh it off but inside I’m crushed. I have no confidence. It’s been sucked out of me with the baby. Jeannot offers me heroin. I’m tempted. Not because I want to forget what I’ve done, or because I’m so down, even though both are true, but because I’ve lost my identity. I haven’t a clue who I am. I feel like a nothing. But I know without a doubt, if I take heroin now, I will destroy the tiny morsel of myself that is left, I will be lost forever.

She will subsequently have plenty of trouble with drugs but this time she says no. She describes looking out her hotel window and considering the tradeoffs:

So this is what I’ve chosen over a baby: the Slits [her band], gigging, hotel rooms, music, self-expression, loneliness. It was the right decision – wasn’t it? I wish I was at home with Mum.

As I wrote back in April, Albertine ends on a semi-defiant note. Having said all of the above (how “I wish I’d kept the baby, whatever the cost. It’s hard to live with”), she ends, “I still defend a woman’s right to choose. To have control over her own body and life. That cannot and must not ever be taken away from us.”

Really? Is that her head speaking? Is that her heart speaking?
I think it is neither.

By Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today

November 25, 2014

'Deception' alleged as Illinois abortionist obtains Indiana license

Operation Rescue wants Indiana to take action against an Illinois abortionist, saying the abortionist "has something to hide."

Abortionist Mandy Gittler has closed her Chicago abortion clinic and become a "circuit-riding" abortionist who has worked, in part, for a Chicago Planned Parenthood. In 2012 she was involved in the abortion death of Tonya Reaves.

Following her death, Reaves' family sued Planned Parenthood and Mandy Gittler for malpractice. In January the family settled the case for $2 million, most of which will go to Reaves' surviving son.

Gittler recently applied for and received a medical license in Indiana. However, she failed to indicate she had been sued for malpracive on her Indiana application - something that she was supposed to do under penalty of perjury. In fact, she marked 'no' in the box next to the question that asked her if she had been involved in any malpractice settlements in her career.

Operation Rescue has filed a complaint with the Indiana attorney general's office accusing Gittler of violating the state's administrative code and requesting that her license be revoked. Gittler also does abortions in Michigan and Illinois.

November 20, 2014

U.N. marks 25th anniversary of Convention on the Rights of the Child

New brochure highlights areas in which many children remain unprotected
RightsofChild_2014reOn Nov. 20, 1989, the United Nations General Assembly affirmed the dignity and rights of all children by adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Events marking the 25th anniversary of the recognition of those rights will be held Thursday at the United Nations in New York.

As nations celebrate their accomplishments in establishing legal rights and protections for the world’s children, the unmet needs of multiple millions of young human beings must be prioritized in order to secure their safe and hopeful future. A new literature piece, “Celebrating the Rights of the Child,” details areas in which the rights of children still are not honored or defended.

“On the 25th anniversary of this landmark human rights treaty, we should celebrate our progress on behalf of the youngest members of the human family while also acknowledging the ways in which the rights of children remain unprotected,” said Scott Fischbach, Executive Director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Global Outreach (MCCL GO), a U.N.-accredited non-governmental organization. Fischbach will be in New York for Thursday’s U.N. events.

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life—from conception to the second birthday—dramatically shape his or her prospects for survival and future well-being. Lives can be saved by improving the quality of care during labor, childbirth and the days following birth, including essential newborn care. Prenatal care and nutrition and optimum breastfeeding are also important to ensure healthy development.

Tens of millions of abortions occur around the world each year, and countries that protect unborn children face pressure to legalize the procedure. This is a profound injustice. The Convention on the Rights of the Child affirms that, quoting the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, “the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth” (preamble). All children, born and unborn, deserve protection.

The Convention calls for securing the rights of each child “without discrimination of any kind” (Article 2). But sex-selective feticide—when abortion is performed solely on the basis of the unborn child’s sex—is a massive problem in areas where culture and tradition favor boys over girls, including parts of Asia, Southeast Europe and the Caucasus.

“Great progress has been made in the past 25 years on behalf of children,” said Fischbach. “But many still suffer. All children, born and unborn, male and female, have an equal dignity and right to life. They deserve our respect, protection and care.”

Mom refuses to take “no” for an answer, baby said to have less than 5% chance of surviving is now thriving

Graceanne with her older sister Allie Claire
Graceanne with her older sister Allie Claire

When Graceanne Payne came home from the hospital, just before Christmas 2013, she joined her mom and dad and older sister one day before her actual due date. Almost a year later, she “crawls enthusiastically and has already taken her first steps,” according to Scott Rogers of the Gainesville Times.

So, Graceanne came a little early? Actually she arrived September 8, 2013, weighing 1 pound, 12 ounces. She was so premature doctors had given her less than a 5% to survive. Graceanne experienced a 97-day stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Northeast Georgia Medical Center and spent almost six weeks on a ventilator.

“Definitely the hand of God was involved in her survival,” her mom, Melissa Payne, said.
Graceanne’s remarkable story began when the Payne family was visiting relatives in Maine. Rogers explained

Only in her second trimester and more than 1,300 miles away from home, Payne woke to discover her water had broken. She was taken to the nearest emergency room, where doctors said her unborn daughter Graceanne would need to be delivered in the next 24 to 72 hours.

“At that point, we weren’t quite 19 weeks, so she wouldn’t have been able to survive,” Payne said.
They visited a specialist in a nearby town who “pretty much told me this was the hand of cards we were dealt, and we would have to fold them and start over,” Payne told Rogers. Meaning the prediction of a less than 5% for survival and the likelihood that, if she did survive, “he would have a very low quality of life and be a burden on their family.”

But Payne had no interest in giving up on their baby and was determined to return to their home in Georgia.

Rogers explained that several of her friends “orchestrated her return to Georgia and set up her appointment with the obstetrician-gynocologist who approved her for continuing the pregnancy.” And
When Payne’s doctor performed an ultrasound and found a heartbeat, she was given the cautious — though not optimistic — OK to do what her heart told her to do. Payne wanted to continue her pregnancy, come what may.

“I believe that all babies are conceived for a reason,” Melissa Payne said. “It is our job to try to protect them and support what they need. Even when it’s difficult or very trying, what some could see as a burden to your family is still a gift from God.”

Payne was, of course, put on immediate bed rest. She told Rogers of feeling Graceanne kicking and moving and then going to the doctor “and they’d just frown and nod.” To keep strong for her baby, she Payne said she “relied on her family, friends, prayer and visits from church deacons to get her through the next seven weeks.”

Graceanne was born via an emergency C-section at 26 weeks and 2 days, weighing 1 pound, 12 ounces and measured 12 inches long. She had many health hazards—starting with having sufficient lung capacity to breathe on her own or be put on a ventilator.

“I woke up in recovery and asked where the baby was,” Payne said. “They said she was down in the NICU, and had enough lung tissue to ventilate.”

Of course, there were more hurdles to overcome, but as Graceanne’s health improved, so did her doctors’ optimism. Graceanne went home just in time for Christmas, 2013. Far from having medical issues, she is right on schedule, developmentally.

Carolanne Owenby, who was instrumental is helping Melissa find the right kind of help back in Georgia, calls Graceanne “the greatest miracle I’ve known in my life.” But according to Rogers, she credits another source for her survival.

“(Graceanne) was told over and over again that she had no business being here, that she wouldn’t be here, and she’s not only here but she’s thriving,” Owenby said. “A huge part of that is a testament to her mother. Melissa is one of the strongest people I know. She fought tirelessly for (Graceanne) and refused to take no for an answer at every corner. And that’s why she’s here and that’s why she’s thriving.”

By Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today

Five quotes from abortion providers that show abortion’s grisly reality

For those of us who are active in the pro-life movement, and who know what an unborn baby looks like even at the earliest stages, it is hard to believe that so many people do not know that abortions often leave behind recognizable body parts. People really are uninformed about fetal development, especially in the first trimester. For example, this past May, pro-lifers responded with incredulity when comedian Sarah Silverman called unborn babies “goo.”

The next time one of your proabortion friends or family members makes a statement like Silverman’s, direct them to these quotes by three abortion clinic workers and two abortionists.

Fingers and toes

1. “I wonder how many fingers and toes we put down the disposal today?”(1)

Former clinic worker Carol Everett recalled another clinic worker saying this to her around the time she first got involved in the abortion industry. Although aware of the reality of abortion, Everett went on to own two abortion clinics and direct four. Eventually, her clinics came under fire for performing “abortions” on women who were not pregnant in order to make more money. She ended up becoming a born-again Christian, leaving the abortion industry, and launching a pro-life ministry called The Heidi Group.

Detached heads

2. “When you’re doing a dismemberment D&E, usually the last part to be removed is the skull itself and it’s floating free inside the uterine cavity…So it’s rather like a ping-pong ball floating around and the surgeon is using his forcep to reach up to try to grasp something that’s freely floating around and is quite large relative to the forcep we’re using.”(2)

This quote is from sworn testimony given by late-term abortionist Dr. Martin Haskell. He is describing the most commonly used surgical abortion procedure in the second trimester. In this procedure, a D&E, the unborn baby is pulled apart by forceps and extracted piece by piece until only the head is left inside the mother. Haskell compares this floating head to a “ping-pong ball” which he must search for with his trusty forceps.

“Harpooning” a baby

3. “On a number of occasions with the needle, I have harpooned the fetus. I can feel the fetus move at the end of the needle just like you have fish hooked on a line. This gives me an unpleasant, unhappy feeling because I know that the fetus is alive and responding to the needle stab… No one has ever mentioned this, but I’ve noticed it a number of times, you know, that there is something alive in there that you’re killing…”(3)

This quote comes from an abortionist interviewed by Dr. Magda Denes, a pro-choice psychologist whom I quoted in a previous article. This abortionist is describing a procedure commonly used in the 1970s – 1990s where the doctor injected a caustic poison made of saline solution into the amniotic sac to poison the baby. Nowadays, the poison of choice is digoxin.

Body parts

4. “When you see the larger body parts it’s a little bit sickening.”

This quote, from an abortion clinic worker identified only as Marva. An unborn baby has “body parts” i.e., arms, legs, etc. that are formed by 7 to 8 weeks after conception.

A hand left behind

5. “I am walking out the back door, and I see a plastic jar of tissue and blood waiting to be sent to the path lab, and in the plastic jar a tiny perfect white hand. . . “

This quote is from clinic worker Anne Finger, describing a baby that was aborted at the clinic where she worked. Finger wrote a memoir called Past Due in which she detailed her experiences as a disabled woman giving birth to a child who had a traumatic birth and severe disabilities. She also wrote about her time working in the clinic. In this passage, she tried to downplay the aborted baby’s resemblance to a full term child by saying that only the hands looked human. You can see pictures of unborn babies here and make up your own mind.

These five quotes, all from clinic workers or abortionists who were practicing at the time they were quoted, cast light on the gruesome nature of abortion and show that pro-choicers who describe unborn babies as “goo” and abortion as only “terminating a pregnancy” are divorced from reality.


1. Carol Everett Blood Money: Getting Rich off a Woman’s Right to Choose (Sisters, Oregon: Questar Publishers Inc., 1991) 84
2. Sworn testimony given in US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, May 27, 1999, Case No. 98-C-0305-S), by Dr. Martin Haskell, abortionist
3. Magda Denes, PhD. In Necessity and Sorrow: Life and Death in an Abortion Hospital (New York: Basic Books inc,1976)141
4. “Abortion in America: Focus on the City: Sanger Center’s Moments of Pain, Conflict, Relief” Newsday (New York) March 5, 1989
5. Anne Finger Past Due (Seal Press, 1990) 86

By Sarah Terzo via NRL News Today

Danger of “Presumed Consent” Organ Donation

I am not prejudging this case, but I bring it up here because I think it illustrates the loss of trust that a “presumed consent” organ donation scheme would engender in people. (Current law requires us to “opt-in” to be an organ donor–as I have. Presumed consent would require us to each “opt-out.” Otherwise, we would automatically be organ donors, no consent required.)

I worry that a presumed consent regimen would lead catastrophically injured patients to be looked upon more as organ farms than patients. Take a look at the story I quote below–particularly the parts I italicized–and you will see what I mean:

     According to family members of 26-year-old Martha Perez, her organs were removed on Friday against their wishes. Fox 4 spoke to the family before the removal and they said the third woman confirmed dead of injuries sustained in an Arlington wreck involving a suspected drunk driver was technically still alive.

     The Tarrant County medical examiner says Perez died Wednesday and doctors have declared Perez brain-dead, although the hospital declined to confirm that citing patient privacy. “But she still has heart and lung functions,” said family member Juan Martinez. “They took her off the life support and she was still breathing.”

First, “brain dead” is dead and the organ removal protocols would not require the removal of life support. More, if Perez was indeed breathing on her own, by definition, she wasn’t dead.

Now, see how a presumed consent would breed distrust and anger:

     Perez was a registered organ donor and doctors told the family they were prepared to harvest the organs for donations. Perez did not have a will or an advance directive that would have instructed doctors exactly what to do in regards to taking her off of life support.

     According to Martinez, the family felt it was too soon. “We don’t want to be pressured. My family feels pressured and it’s just hard for someone to make that kind of decision when this just happened,” Martinez said Friday before her organs were removed.

     Legal expert Jessice Dunne said the family has the legal right to keep Perez on life support if her organs are still functioning. If they stop, then it’s up to the hospital what to do. “We know we have to come to a decision but we aren’t going to let no hospital or no state make that decision for us,” Martinez said. That wasn’t the case as the hospital decided to move forward in the process.

Under presumed consent, anytime a hospital stopped life support and removed organs, loved ones could become similarly suspicious, feeling that a rushed decision was made because the organs mattered more than the patient.

(That seems to be the concern here because Perez had opted-in. Even so, permission is requested prior to procurement. This is the first case I have heard of where organs were taken under these circumstances without family permission. That could also sow distrust, but I don’t want to get into that now.)

The distrust would be especially acute in a medical system increasingly obsessed with cost control and in a milieu in which bioethics “experts” increasingly reject the sanctity/equality of human life in fabor of a utilitarian “quality of life” ethic.

I have no idea what happened in this case. But if we adopt an opt-out organ donation system, I will remove myself as an organ donor. I wouldn’t have enough trust to “leave it to the doctors” whether the time had come to harvest my organs.

By Wesley J. Smith, Human Exceptionalism

November 18, 2014

STOP ERA in the Illinois veto session.

We need your immediate help to phone and email your Illinois State Representative and urge a NO vote on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) could be voted on tomorrow when the Illinois House begins their veto session.  They will be in session Nov. 19-20, and Dec. 2-4 with additional days in early January before the new Illinois General Assembly begins.

The ERA has already been ratified by the Illinois Senate.  If the House ratifies it, it will help the unconstitutional "3 state strategy" gain traction and ultimately create a genderless society.
(1) Call the Capitol switchboard at 217-782-2000, and ask to be connected with your own State Representative, or visit: and urge a NO vote on ERA.  It is very easy!  Call and email today!
(2) Spread the word to every pro-lifer you know!
ERA will require taxpayer funding of abortions. Several states have ruled that ERA requires taxpayer funding of Medicaid abortions because, since only women undergo abortions, the denial of taxpayer funding is "sex discrimination." (N.M. Right to Choose/NARAL v. Johnson, Nov. 25, 1998.) The same reasoning could extend to all insurance through Obamacare. We must NOT give courts the power to force us to pay for abortions!
Please call the Illinois Capitol office TODAY at 217-782-2000, ask to be connected with your State Representative, and urge a NO vote on ERA. (The operator will tell you who is your own Representative.) We must not let Illinois make the terrible mistake of voting for ERA.
What is the ERA?
The ERA is a U.S. Constitutional Amendment that has not yet been fully ratified.  The supporters of the amendment claim that if they can get 3 more states to ratify it, it will become a binding US Constitutional Amendment.  The main wording of the amendment reads:  "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." 
The amendment originally sought to give women equal rights, but its vague, overly broad language would actually harm women, their families, and our society by removing important legal safeguards. The ERA would create a genderless society by nullifying all laws and government practices that make any distinction based on gender.  The broad language of the ERA will empower the federal government to regulate every aspect of our lives.  An immediate example includes abortion.
Please call and email your state senator again and continue to encourage them to vote no on the ERA. Remind them that because the amendment is poorly worded, it will actually harm women by overturning many laws and practices that benefit women.  It will prohibit all restrictions on abortions.  Finally, the 3 state strategy being used to resurrect the legally dead ERA is in violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Encourage them to support women, their families, and our society by voting against the ERA (SJRCA 75).  If they want an amendment for women in the Constitution, encourage them to write a better amendment that doesn't bring about so much harm to women and our society.
What can I do?
(1) Please contact your State Representative today to urge them to vote NO on the Equal Rights Amendment.  You can find contact information for your state legislators at (217) 782-2000 or visit:
(2) Please pass this on to others and encourage them to contact their state legislators too.
If we all take action, our voices will be heard.  Thanks for all you are doing to protect our families, our society and our religious freedoms! 
More information about the ERA:
There is currently an attempt to pass the original federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Illinois in an effort to have three more states ratify the amendment.  The supporters of the ERA have a complex legal argument in which they claim that the time deadline of 1979 can be extended.  If three more states ratify the ERA, it could become a binding national constitutional amendment.  The Illinois House passed it in 2003, but it was blocked in the Illinois Senate.   The Equal Rights Amendment will not help women; instead it will harm women, their families, and our society.
The ERA will further entrench abortion in our society and legally mandate taxpayer funding for elective abortions. The New Mexico Supreme Court recently ruled under their state ERA that since only women undergo abortions, the denial of taxpayer funding is "sex discrimination" (N.M. Right to Choose/NARAL v. Johnson, 975 P.2d 841, 1998).
Clearly the ERA will harm women, families, society, and the structure of our government. Please contact your state senator and state representative today to urge them to vote NO on the Equal Rights Amendment.   You can find contact information for your state legislators at (217) 782-2000 or visit:

Pro-abortion judge leaves case after public outcry

Following public pressure, a federal judge with past ties to Planned Parenthood has recused himself from an Ohio case involving the federally funded, nationwide abortion-provider.

Ohio law requires abortionists to have a transfer agreement with a private, nearby hospital in the event of a medical emergency from an abortion. But Planned Parenthood of Cincinnati was unable to find a hospital willing to connect with it and filed suit with federal judge Timothy Black against the state to overturn the law.

Now that Judge Black has stepped away from the case, pro-life organizations in Cincinnati are waiting to see which federal judge will deal with a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood against the state health department.

Paula Westwood of Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati tells OneNewsNow about the judge's past connections with Planned Parenthood.

Right to Life Greater Cincinnati"We put the information out that he has served as a past president and director of Planned Parenthood of Cincinnati," she explains. "He also served as its attorney – and as attorney he did target pro-life witnesses who had been [demonstrating] in front of Planned Parenthood."

According to Westwood, Black sought to have those pro-lifers held in contempt of court.

The pro-life spokeswoman shares that with release of that information, public pressure began to mount. "... I also am aware that people were making phone calls asking him to recuse himself," she continues. "It was a clear case of conflict of interest and it was a detriment to the judicial process – and we did learn on Saturday that it is official: he has recused himself ... reluctantly, but he has."

As yet, another judge has not been named to hear the case. Westwood says when it does go to court, one of the first objectives will be to ascertain why a federal court is being used to determine whether a state can regulate abortion and how.

By Charlie Butts,

November 14, 2014

Republicans retain pro-life leadership: McConnell as incoming Senate majority leader, Boehner as Speaker

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(right) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

The symbolism was perfect. A pro-life party makes huge gains November 4 and pro-life Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is elected unanimously as majority leader-elect today by the Republicans who will serve as senators in the Congress that convenes in January.

And McConnell, who was strongly supported by National Right to Life in his re-election bid against pro-abortion Alison Lundergan Grimes, is nominated by pro-life Sen. Kelly Ayotte (NH). His nomination is then seconded by incoming pro-life Senator-elect Tom Cotton (Ark.)
McConnell, first elected to the Senate in 1984, will officially become majority leader when the new Congress is sworn in January. McConnell has served as Senate minority leader during the past eight years.

Republicans picked up eight seats in the mid-term elections and have a strong chance to pick up a ninth next month in Louisiana, where pro-abortion Democrat Mary Landrieu is squaring off in a runoff December 6 against pro-life Republican Bill Cassidy.

On the Democratic side, outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) has been tapped by his caucus to be the Senate minority leader come January.

Pro-life Speaker of the House John Boehner(right) Pro-life Speaker of the House John Boehner

Over in the House, Republicans re-elected John Boehner (Ohio) as Speaker. New and re-elected members also returned Boehner’s top three leadership lieutenants: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Ca.), Majority Whip Steve Scalise (La.), and GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rogers (Wa.). As is Boehner, all three are pro-life.

Republicans have already gained 12 seats and could possibly equal or eclipse the 246 they won in 1946. There are 435 voting members in the House; 218 constitutes a majority, when all members vote.

House Democrats are expected to return pro-abortion Nancy Pelosi (Ca.) as House minority leader, although (as is the case with Sen. Reid) there is grumbling within the ranks after a tumultuous Tuesday.

Pelosi got into an argument today with reporters when they asked if she had considered stepping down from her leadership position.

By Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today

November 13, 2014

UK to Create “Suicide Courts?”

Talk about a death panel!

The House of Lords–pushed again to legalize assisted suicide–struggles with the nonsense of fashioning ”strict guidelines” to protect against abuse. (As I have repeatedly shown, guidelines don’t protect, they just give the illusion of control.)

The latest scheme is to create what could be called “suicide courts,” where suicidal people will ask a judge to approve their doctor-prescribed death. From the Independent story:

Judges could routinely be given the power of life or death over patients who are determined to die to end their suffering.

Proposals to use judges as the final arbiters of who can be helped to die go some way to satisfying opponents to Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill. Lord Pannick QC proposed judicial oversight in amendments to the Bill which went before the House of Lords yesterday.  The Lords, in the first Parliamentary vote on the Bill, gave it their approval.

This is nuts! This would be worse than Oregon, in some ways, more destructive than Belgium and the Netherlands!

Assisted suicide should be illegal because it amounts to a joint enterprise to end a human life.
With legalization, you have private transactions between doctors and suicidal patients. It’s wrong, but the government isn’t officially or directly involved in the death.

But a suicide court would make the government a direct participant in suicide. The State would be ruling that some lives are not worth living. It would give an explicit imprimatur to suicide.

That’s a huge and dangerous step that should never be taken.

And here’s the irony: The UK opposes the death penalty. Trying to accommodate the Culture of Death is driving us out of our minds.

By Wesley J. Smith
Editor’s note. This appeared on Wesley’s great blog.

Should pro-life groups be forced to help destroy life?

Alliance Defending Freedom

Another legal challenge to ObamaCare that raises crucial questions related to other pro-life cases awaits a federal court decision within the next few months.

March for Life has challenged the Obama administration's mandate to provide free insurance coverage for contraception and abortion-causing drugs on a pro-life organization. ObamaCare, which forces employers – regardless of their moral convictions – to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs under threat of heavy financial penalties, has been under fire from pro-life organizations and Christian business owners.

Alliance Defending FreedomAlliance Defending Freedom is representing March for Life in the case. Elissa Graves, the ADF attorney on hand for arguments in federal district court in Washington, DC, tells OneNewsNow, "March for Life is an organization that holds 100-percent pro-life views based on science and ethics instead of religion. It advocates for life at all stages which includes from conception until death. Some of these drugs do have effect after conception."

As a pro-life organization, the attorney says, "March for Life should not be forced to help destroy life."

According to Graves, the presiding judge was very engaged during the court proceedings. "The judge was very interested in arguments for both sides and seemed to really know the arguments and asked a lot of great questions of both sides," she offers.

A similar lawsuit was brought by Priests for Life, a Catholic pro-life group that also objects to the mandate on religious grounds. Graves maintains that if courts can force coverage on groups like these two, they can likely compel all to do so.

ADF senior legal counsel Matt Bowman, who presented arguments Wednesday on behalf of March for Life said, "Pro-life organizations must be free to operate according to the beliefs they espouse. March for Life was founded to oppose the tragedy of abortion – the very thing the government is forcing the organization to provide through its health insurance plan."

Hobby Lobby, in a high-profile Supreme Court case ruling in June, won the right to exclude coverage for abortion-causing drugs on religious grounds.

Bowman added: "The government cannot selectively punish organizations that wish to abide by their beliefs."

By Charlie Butts,

November 12, 2014

“This Time” is a powerful pro-life, pro-adoption video

john-elefante-this-timeOh, my goodness, another incredibly powerful pro-life video, this time from John Elefante, the former lead singer of the group “Kansas.” I learned about “This Time” from Charisma News which explains that the video shares the story of the birth of Sami, Elefante’s adopted daughter, whose 13-year-old mother came perilously close to aborting Sami.

“I can’t imagine life without my daughter, Sami, and it just breaks my heart that pregnant young women much like her birth mother, instead of choosing life for their babies, are denying them the chance to be born,” Elefante tells Abby Carr “If our song can in any way bring attention to this issue and encourage those who are considering abortion to choose life through options such as adoption, then we couldn’t be happier.”

So, why is “This Time” so effective?

For starters, Elefante does a marvelous job setting a real-life stage: a very frightened (barely) teenage girl who discovers she is pregnant. Scared out of her wits, she slams the door on her mother and races to the “solution”: the abortion clinic.

When a girl or woman is at the abortion clinic—let alone in the operating room itself—the pressure to “get this over with” is unfathomable. In this case, the young girl is half-asleep in the waiting room and dreams of being with the little girl she is carrying and about to abort.

It would likely take something as powerful as a “picture” in her mind’s eye to convince her that this is desperately wrong. The abortion clinic staff is shown restraining her from leaving, which is not uncommon. They’ve seen it all before and, to them, this is just routine, last-minute panic.

But Sami’s teenage mother does make it to the phone to call for her own mother. The last scene is of her outside, visualizing her baby at three or four, just as her mother arrives to take her home.

The music, as you would expect from a multiple-Grammy-winning songwriter and producer, is just tremendous. The lyrics tell the story of why she ran to the abortion clinic….and why she chose life. (I will not spoil the delight you will experience by quoting the refrain that makes your heart soar.)

Take four minutes out of your busy day and watch “This Time.”  Believe me you’ll be forwarding this video to all your friends and family.