April 5, 2022

Chicago Planned Parenthood Tears Woman's Uterus

Recently released 911 records show that a 22-year old patient was hospitalized after her uterus was torn during a surgical abortion at the Near North Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago. This life-threatening emergency occurred on Jan 7, 2022.

The Pro-Life Action League obtained 911 records of the incident, including a recording of the 911 call.

The Planned Parenthood staffer who made the call said that the woman suffering from a torn uterus was not bleeding. This was likely inaccurate, however. Even though she may not have appeared to be bleeding, such an injury would have caused internal bleeding.

Operation Rescue, an organization that tracks injuries caused by abortion clinics, noted that the Near North Planned Parenthood facility caused the death of Tonya Reaves in 2012 after a perforated uterus caused her to bleed to death internally.

Operation Rescue also noted that the Event Details printout simply stated "22 yo female not feeling well." This is despite the ambulance being dispatched at priority 1A, the code used for the most serious medical emergencies.

Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said that it is becoming more common for abortion-related emergencies to be downplayed in 911 records. "Sometimes it is the abortion workers who misrepresent life-threatening injuries, and sometimes it is the city or county employees that are creating and redacting the records."

This is the twenty-fourth recorded instance of a patient at the Near North Planned Parenthood being hospitalized in the past six years.