The pro-life doctors have launched a new webpage and video to help answer questions that medical professionals might have about APR. Titled, "Give Your Patients a Second Chance at Life," the webpage also includes links for medical professionals to join the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, which helps connect women who regret taking the first abortion pill to doctors who can provide APR. To this end, the Abortion Pill Rescue Network runs a 24/7 helpline staffed by trained nurses.
APR works by counteracting the effects of the first pill in the abortion pill regimen. If a woman has only taken the first pill, but regrets doing so, APR can save the life of her child. This is because the first pill, mifepristone, simply blocks the pregnancy hormone progesterone. This hormone helps facilitate the flow of oxygen and nutrients from a mother's body to her child's. Essentially, mifepristone kills unborn children by starving and suffocating them. When a doctor administers APR, the pregnant mother will take additional progesterone. This can counteract the effects of mifepristone and restore the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the child.