October 14, 2020

Federal Judge Upholds Several Indiana Pro-Life Laws. More Rulings to Come.

Indiana Attorney General
Curtis Hill
Making Illinois stand out even further as a pro-abortion island surrounded by pro-life states, U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker upheld several Indiana laws yesterday which prioritize the safety of women seeking abortions and ensure that they are entirely informed about the decision they are making.

The ongoing lawsuit of Whole Women's Health Alliance against the state of Indiana began in 2018, when the Indiana State Department of Health denied the abortion business's request for a license to continue performing medication-induced abortions at its South Bend clinic.

The upheld laws include a requirement that abortion clinics be licensed, a requirement that abortion clinics report abortions to the state, a requirement that abortion providers have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, a requirement that all women seeking abortions have ultrasounds beforehand, and a requirement that women be informed about certain details of the abortion process 18 hours before having an abortion.

According to a press release from Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill's office, "The judge also upheld under the Due Process Clause restrictions on the dosage and administration of the abortion drug mifepristone, as well as specifications for abortion clinic facilities. And finally, the judge affirmed under the Due Process Clause Indiana’s law requiring parental consent or a judicial bypass order before a minor can have an abortion."

The lawsuit against the state of Indiana will continue to challenge several requirements passed by the pro-life legislature, however. The same press release by AG Hill said,

"...the plaintiffs are challenging Indiana laws that require, among other things:

  • that abortions be conducted by physicians;
  • that second-trimester abortions be conducted in hospitals or ambulatory surgical centers;
  • that women seeking abortions have an in-person examination and in-person informed-consent counseling before undergoing the abortion;
  • that women seeking abortions be told that human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm, that a fetus can feel pain from abortion, and that abortion entails both physical and mental health risks for the mother."
Further litigation will continue on March 15, 2021.