The report, which even cited articles from left-leaning media sources such as CNN, the New York Times, and Politico, gave several flawed reasons in its argument.
Among its complaints are that news articles about abortion are more likely to quote politicians than doctors. They argue that this trend can cause people to believe that abortion is a political issue and not a healthcare one. NARAL would be right in this assessment. Abortion is not healthcare, and the killing of innocent people should be considered a political issue. It is an issue of human rights, and the protection of human rights is among the most basic duties of government.
The NARAL goes on to lament the use of terms such as "infanticide," "heartbeat bill," and "partial-birth abortion." Despite its own inability to refute the fact that unborn children have heartbeats after six weeks of development, the pro-abortion organization continues to claim that these terms are inaccurate when used to describe abortion. Instead, they argued, "only 27 articles [out of 91 analyzed] noted that [six weeks] is typically before a woman even knows she is pregnant — a critical fact that gives context to the potential impact on women." This "critical fact" should not matter if a human life with a beating heart is being traded for this "potential impact on women."
This is a blatant attempt to control American culture by controlling the language we use. Pro-life advocates need to be wary of efforts like this and reject changes to our language that would trick others into believing the lie that abortion is just another medical procedure.