June 27, 2018

Planned Parenthood sues Trump administration, calls abstinence education “dangerous”

Calling an abstinence-only educational curriculum “dangerous,” Planned Parenthood affiliates filed a lawsuit on Friday against the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The abortion corporation announced that it was “challenging the administration’s efforts to impose their abstinence-only-until-marriage (AOUM) agenda on the 1.2 million young people who are set to benefit from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP program). The lawsuit seeks to protect the future of the TPP program. If successful, the lawsuit will ensure that the TPP program maintains its evidence-based principles and that new grantees are not forced to push dangerous AOUM curriculums.”

Of course, Planned Parenthood’s narrative comes directly from the fiction section. Over in non-fiction, the facts show that the TPP programs are vastly ineffective.

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