But we can’t do it without you. We need your vote. We need every pro-life vote we can get—yours, your pro-life family members, friends, and neighbors.
Each day voter registration deadlines come closer. It seems elementary but if you are not registered, you cannot vote! At the end of this article, there is a link to a site that makes registration in your state very quick and easy.
Please take a moment and make sure you and your pro-life friends and neighbors are registered. The outcome of the election may depend on it.
We were reminded just this summer how important each and every vote is. Consider out of a total of over 70,000 votes cast last month in a congressional primary race in Tennessee, the contest was decided by just 38 votes. Never underestimate how important your vote is.
In Minnesota’s 2008 U.S. Senate race, pro-abortion Al Franken defeated pro-life Senator Norm Coleman by a few hundred votes out of 2.8 million cast. That’s about seven thousandths of a percent or one voter in about every thirteen precincts in Minnesota.
Many races this year are expected to be extremely close. The balance of power in the United States Senate hangs in the balance. If every pro-lifer helped one friend or family member register to vote, we would have a tremendous pro-life impact on this election.
You would be surprised how many people you know are not registered to vote. One volunteer and dear friend of NRLC did a voter registration drive in her church a few years ago and signed 15 people up to vote, including the Pastor and his wife!
Be especially aware of people that are new to your area, maybe having just moved to your state, and young people who have just turned 18 or recently moved away to college. They may be excited to register but may not know how or where to do it—or even that they have to register.
The deadline to register to vote in Illinois is October 7th! Time is running out, you can register to vote online at the IFRL website at http:www.ifrl.org,
By Elizabeth Spillman, National Right to Life Political Assistant, NRLC