During his address at the National Day of Prayer, Dr. James Dobson called Barack Obama the "abortion president," inciting Americans to fight against the political assault on preborn children. Part of the motivation behind Dobson's words that have sparked much media attention arises from a recent lawsuit.
After coming off a monumental legal victory against the Obama administration and the Affordable Care Act, which ordered Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk and other faith-based organizations to provide abortion pills under ObamaCare, America's most trusted pro-family voice has been quite vocal about the president's ties and unconditional endorsement of the abortion industry.
"Before Obama was elected, he made it very clear he wanted to be the abortion president," Dobson declared at the prayer event. "He didn't make any bones about it, that this was something he really [was] going to promote and support. And he has done that. He is the abortion president."
As Dobson spoke at the NDOP, Rep. Janice Hahn, D-Calif., stormed out of the event.
"He goes on about health care and ... providing abortions, and at that point, I stood up and I pointed my finger at Dr. Dobson and I said, 'This is inappropriate!' and walked out," Hahn told Huffington Post. The Democrat expressed that she was angered because she saw the event as "a nonpartisan day of unity," and therefore thought Dobson "behaved inappropriately by going after the president."
Does Dobson concur? "The people who were there were with me 100 percent," Dobson told Fox News in an interview with Megyn Kelly about Hahn's charge that he acted inappropriately.
Noting that there were 34,000 NDOP events across the country in addition to the main event he spoke at in Washington, DC, Dobson emphasizes that most media attention focuses on the one objection being made, as if there is a mass uproar over his stand to protect preborn children.
"One person chose to walk out, as far as we now, [but] that's what everyone feeds on," Dobson said.
Yet Hahn used her post-event comments to air her opinion about the pro-life stance.
"It was very disturbing to me ... and really a shame James Dobson hijacked the National Day of Prayer – this nonpartisan, nonpolitical National Day of Prayer – to promote his own distorted political agenda," Hahn expressed.
But Dobson was even more disturbed that under ObamaCare, Family Talk Radio – which he founded in 2010 – would have ceased to exist if he had not prevailed in the courtroom, where on April 18, he obtained an injunction keeping the Obama administration from enforcing its mandate that his employees' health insurance include providing abortion-inducing agents.
"The mandate requiring that we provide abortifacients, such as the morning-after pill, would have begun on May 1," said Dobson, who, along with more than 100 other religious ministries, organizations and individuals, filed lawsuits challenging the president's takeover of healthcare, alleging it violates Christians' religious rights. "After that, if we hadn't prevailed, fines amounting to $800,000 per year would have kicked in. We would have closed our doors."
Why wasn't Family Talk covered under a religious exemption? Government officials defined the exemption for religious employer so narrowly that when the Obama administration was asked for the protection, para-church ministries such as Dobson's weren't included. Also not included are Christian convalescent homes, soup kitchens and even colleges.
"According to the administration, Family Talk is not 'religious enough' for an exemption," attorney Martin Nussabaum of Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP stated, who is co-counsel in the suit. "Yet sanctity of life and protecting the unborn have long been core religious convictions for Dr. Dobson and Family Talk."
Dobson continued to warn Americans at the NDOP about the president's nationwide attack on preborn children that he was able to fight in the courtroom, keeping Family Talk from having to pay an annual fine of $36,500 per employee.
"He has made it so that every American will have to pay toward support[ing] abortion," Dobson said, while reminding fellow prayer warriors that the world's largest abortion-provider, Planned Parenthood, already receives $250 million in taxpayer funding. "Keep fighting! We can win. And keep praying, because that's what really made a difference here."
Planned ParenthoodAnd just what kind of support does the Obama administration give the abortion industry? Here's what Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said in her 2013 keynote address: "President Obama has done more than any president in history for women's health and rights. He understands that access to birth control and preventative health care [abortion] are economic issues for women and their families."
Richards asserts that ObamaCare played a key role in forwarding the abortion agenda.
"We fought alongside him to ensure that women's health access was expanded in the landmark Affordable Care Act, and now we have to fight hard to ensure that the full promise of health care reform is realized for millions of women," the head of Planned Parenthood continued, corroborating Dobson's labeling of Obama as "the abortion president."
Because Dobson realizes that many Americans don't realize Obama's intimate ties with the abortion industry and how ObamaCare feeds into the agenda, he understood how some people can't comprehend the gravity of the issue.
"It is very difficult for those who aren't part of the sanctity of life movement to understand how intensely we feel about the issue of killing babies," Dobson told Fox's Kelly while dismissing (as inaccurate) her account of his NDOP address as a "scathing attack."
Dobson insisted that the real attack is coming from the other side – against innocent babies.
"The president has not only done everything he could to promote abortion, he let us know before he was elected and people elected him anyway," Dobson argued. "[Obama] determined that people of faith and people of conscience were going to have to go along and be part of it."
The pro-family leader then mentioned the ObamaCare proposal to have taxpayers outright fund abortions, noting that the issue is still being pressed and responding: "If you insist on us paying for abortion, we're not going to go there."
Dobson expressed his sentiments well in his commentary published on the issue.
"I believe in the rule of law, and it has been my practice since I was in college to respect and honor those in authority over us," the founder of Focus on the Family, with which he is no longer affiliated, declared. "It is my desire to do so now. However, this assault on the sanctity of human life takes me where I cannot go."
He stressed that price doesn't matter when it comes to human life.
"I WILL NOT pay the surcharge for abortion services," Dobson continued. "The amount of the surcharge is irrelevant. To pay one cent for the killing of babies is egregious to me, and I will do all I can to correct a government that lies to me about its intentions and then tries to coerce my acquiescence with extortion."
Dobson says making any concession is not an option.
"[It] would be a violation of my most deeply held convictions to disobey what I consider to be the principles of Scriptures," Dobson concluded. "The Creator will not hold us guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of His innocent babies. So come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation."
Michael F. Haverluck (OneNewsNow.com)