Newly-born baby in an incubator and DISTRESSED … Rebeka Tjombe
WHAT a story out of the Namibian newspaper in Southwest Africa. Under the headline "Miracle baby survives abortion," we learn from Clemans Miyanicwe that doctors told Rebeka Vandueruru Tjombe that her unborn baby could not survive and "ordered the mother to take abortion pills." (What kind of pills is never described.)
The husband, Jephta Mooka Kaevara, told Miyanicwe that his wife texted him with the bad news and he went to the hospital where, he alleges, the doctor refused to tell him about his wife's condition.
"We were given a prescription to buy tablets to abort the pregnancy as the doctor had said there was no hope that the baby would be born alive," Kaevara told The Namibian Tuesday. Since the hospital pharmacy had run out, Kaevara bought the tablets from a pharmacy.
But after his wife took the pills, the baby was born alive, weighing about 3 1/3rd pounds. The baby is on a life-support system in the hospital maternity ward. "The mother will be discharged today because the hospital does not admit patients who have a place to stay in Windhoek [the capital city of Namibia]," according to reporter Miyanicwe.
"Why did the doctor tell me that there was no possibility of the baby surviving? Why did he make my wife try to abort the pregnancy?" Kaevara told The Namibian, adding the couple felt "betrayed" by the doctors.
"We trusted these people but look at what they have done," the mother said. "They made a wrong diagnosis. I did not receive any counseling from nurses or an apology from the doctor after what happened. I am suffering," Tjombe said.
There was evidently a lot more drama than the brief story details. It began with a sentence it does not elaborate on further:
"THE spirit of Florence Nightingale to save a life inspired a Windhoek nurse to run from one building to another with a baby on an oxygen mask meant for an adult on Tuesday."
By Dave Andrusko, National Right to Life