While the economy remains the focus of the presidential election, one conservative advocate explains why social issues should be a main part of the dialogue.
Some believe Romney and establishment Republicans want to downplay topics like abortion. But Gary Bauer, president of American Values, tells OneNewsNow that pointing out the Democratic Party's policy positions on the subject can educate voters. He maintains the mainstream media wrongly reports that the GOP is the radical party on abortion, especially in regards to "exceptions" like rape and incest.
Bauer, Gary (American Values)"It's the other side that has an extremist position, because they will not outlaw any abortions -- not for a 15-year-old without her parents' permission, not abortions to pick the sex of the baby, not abortions in the seventh and eighth month of pregnancy," he asserts. "Not only will they not outlaw them, they expect us to pay for those abortions."
Bauer predicts voters will not hear reporters challenge President Barack Obama or the Democratic Party concerning what he considers "extremist views" like abortion on demand -- at least not like the media challenged GOP leaders in Tampa last week for protecting the unborn. But he also believes Republicans should not avoid discussing the subject for fear of condemnation.
"This party at the grassroots, it's the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It's the party that was based on the idea that in America, everybody is protected by the words of our founding documents," Bauer states about the Republicans. "That includes, in the beginning of our party, slaves -- we were the party that said they were men; they should be welcomed. And today we're the party that believes that our children ought to be welcomed into the world, have a seat at the table and be protected under the law."
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden support abortion on demand, which, according to various polls, is a position shared by less than one quarter of Americans. For instance, The Daily Caller reports that Gallup recently found that 86 percent of Americans believe such abortions should be illegal.
Contact: Russ Jones
Source: OneNewsNow