AULA president brings pro-life, pro-woman policies to GOP Convention
Paradox of Outlawing Eugenic Embryo Implantation but OK Eugenic Abortion
Suicide Pushers Impact UK Statistics
Movie 'Aborted Sun' Inspires Hope for Miscarriage and Abortion Grief
Abortionist Involved in Secret Maryland Late-Term Abortion Scheme Suspended
Colorado Personhood Coalition to Challenge Colorado Secretary of State's Determination on Personhood Signatures
Cook County State's Attorney Dismisses Battery Charges Sought by Abortion Clinic Against Pro-Life Counselor
Over 2,100 Masses Registered for Pro-Life Novena
Pro-life Community to Remember the Victims of Abortion at the Time Warner Arena in Charlotte as the DNC Prepares to Start
Under Obamacare 15-year-olds in Oregon can get tax-funded sterilization without parental consent
Obama believes life is 'expendable' in the womb, 'or even beyond the womb'
Romney pledges to protect 'sanctity of life,' marriage in GOP acceptance speech
Man attacks pro-life activists; two weeks later, still no arrest made
Abortion survivor lambasts Obama infanticide vote in 'withering' new ad
Asian population conference laments aging, but touts abortion and contraception
More research shows link to multiple abortion and pre-term, underweight babies