After reviewing the autopsy report of a Chicago woman, Operation Rescue concludes that her death was the result of a botched abortion.
Tonya Reaves went to a Chicago Planned Parenthood for the procedure and died hours later. Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger tells OneNewsNow the autopsy reveals that the surgical abortion was done when Reaves was 16 weeks along and that she died from complications.
Sullenger, Cheryl"What we also determined was that all of those complications were survivable, if she had received emergency care in a timely manner," the pro-lifer notes. "Instead, Planned Parenthood let her hemorrhage in the abortion clinic for five and a half hours before getting her help."
Clinic workers then shared no information with emergency room physicians, forcing them to solve the puzzle before doing a hysterectomy. But it was too late. Reaves had a perforated uterus and possibly a severed artery.
"We are going to file a complaint with the medical board in Illinois against Carolyn Hoke, who is the medical director for Planned Parenthood," Sullenger reports. "We believe she was the abortionist who was responsible for Tonya's botched abortion."
The pro-life group will also seek an investigation on the basis of alleged criminal neglect. This particular Planned Parenthood does not advertise for surgical abortions, so Sullenger adds that there is a question about whether it is properly equipped to perform those procedures or handle complications.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow.com