Our alma mater, Biola University, has now joined the growing number of Evangelical and Catholic colleges and universities suing the federal government over the Obama health care law's requirement that all health care providers provide medical insurance plans that include access to abortion and abortion-causing drugs.
Biola President Barry Corey explained why our school is fighting the Obama anti-conscience mandate in these eloquent words:
"It is simply a natural outgrowth of our calling to be stewards of the mission Biola's founders have trusted to us, to hold fast to biblical convictions even in the midst of shifting cultural sands. It is unjust that the federal government has mandated that institutions of faith like Biola, which has held biblically centered convictions for over a century, violate their consciences in this manner. It is an infringement on our freedom to be the university God has called us to be."
Biola's suit, undertaken jointly with Indiana's Grace College and Seminary, is being filed by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). As East Coast Biolans, we are proud of and grateful for the stand of our school.
We represent two different generations of Biolans (Rob, '79 and Julia,'09), but Biola represents something timeless: The eternal truth of the Word of God. For standing up for that truth, we're thankful for President Corey's leadership and the continued strong stance of our school.
Contact: Rob Schwarzwalder and Julia Kiewit
Source: FRC Blog