According to a new House subcommittee report, abstinence education is a better approach to preventing teen pregnancy than is comprehensive sex education.
National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) director Valerie Huber says the report from the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee reinforces the conclusion of a separate report her organization released a month earlier.
"This was not just written by a member of Congress, and it didn't just emanate out of any committee," she details. "The fact that this report came from the committee in the House where policy for sex education emanates is very, very important."
She hopes this report will lead to much needed changes in government policy regarding sex education.
"The policies that need to be changed … which are outlined in greater detail in this report, basically would change the emphasis to encourage teens to wait [until marriage] to have sex and to reinforce the many good behaviors that so many teens are already exhibiting," Huber details.
The NAEA director adds that 75 percent of 15- to 17-year-olds have reportedly never had sex. She believes that is a trend the federal sex-education policy should reinforce.
Contact Bob Kellogg
Source: OneNewsNow