A Christian medical group's spokesman is concerned the contraception mandate in ObamaCare reflects an attitude similar to that behind China's one-child policy.
Tuesday (June 19) was the deadline for public comments on the Obama administration's mandate forcing virtually all health insurance plans in the nation to provide free contraception. The 16,000-member Christian Medical Association expressed its opposition to the rule.
CMA senior vice president Dr. Gene Rudd says his group filed official comments with Health and Human Services on Monday, right before the deadline.
"[We were] explaining to them why this is both unprecedented, unwise, unlawful -- and basically un-American to proceed down this line," he states.
Rudd tells OneNewsNow there are a number of reasons to oppose this directive.
"[It is] undermining a foundational tenant of our society -- First Amendment rights, undermining years and many laws that have protected our conscious rights and [promoting] the whole attitude that somehow pregnancy is something to be systematically abandoned or avoided," he says. "All those reasons are reasons to want to overturn this mandate that's coming out from Health and Human Services."
He notes China's one-child policy -- a policy he says reflects the philosophy that additional children are not good.
"I fear that we are adopting some of that same philosophy in our country where we're saying that the government can decide it's a favorable policy to decide that children are a liability to our culture; therefore, we're going to have policies and procedures to help avoid that," he remarks.
The CMA spokesman says he can understand individuals making decisions regarding how many children to have and when, but argues that is not the government's decision.
Contact: Bill Bumpas
Source: OneNewsNow