This Sunday, June 3rd, the Thomas More Society (TMS) will sponsor the First Annual Irish Festival for Life in Chicago, with Irish music, dancing, refreshments, and pro-life speakers, including Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of TMS, Joe Scheidler, famous founder of the Pro-Life Action League, and Charlie Rice, the renowned pro-life law professor (emeritus) from the University of Notre Dame.
"The European abortion regime, backed by International Planned Parenthood and a gaggle of American billionaires, wants to force Ireland into relax or repeal its pro-life laws, flouting the will of the great majority of Irish people," said Brejcha, who has been an advocate for life in Ireland by providing free legal counsel for Irish pro-life groups and activists over the last decade. "We're co-sponsoring and speaking at this festival to urge people to support the pro-life movement in Ireland before they're bulldozed into retreat and surrender by the rich and powerful European bullies and pro-abortion zealots who would suppress Irish liberties in their grim campaign to destroy Irish infants' lives."
To bolster Irish efforts to remain abortion-free, the Thomas More Society recently helped to establish Life House Ireland, a tax-exempt non-profit entity based here and designed to forge bonds of "Friendship for Life" between American and Irish pro-lifers. Life House Ireland is both educating our fellow citizens and raising funds here in the United States for the Life Institute in Ireland, a group of educators and activists which is spearheading a high-quality, intensive effort to thwart the current attacks on pro-life laws in Ireland.
Niamh Ui Bhriain, the eloquent, inspired, and fiery young president of the Life Institute, will be the keynote speaker. She will describe the situation in Ireland and the strategic initiatives underway there to fend off the potent pro-abortion assaults on Irish laws upholding the sanctity of life, and she will explain how people here in the U.S. can help.
The First Annual Irish Festival for Life will take place on Sunday, June 3rd, from 2pm-5pm, at The Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 North Knox Ave. in Chicago. The event is free, but please register at irishfestivalforlife.eventbrite.com.
Contact: Tom Ciesielka
Source: Thomas More Society