One pro-lifer finds it interesting that pregnant mothers must register their preborn babies before taking a tour of the White House, considering the fact that the current occupant of the White House is pro-abortion.
A recent e-mail newsletter distributed by Ellie Schafer, director of the White House Visitors Office, provides specifics about the information required for an unborn baby visitor, including the child's gender. "Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour," Schafer writes.
Given the president's stance on abortion, Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) does not understand this security measure.
Douglas Johnson (NRLC)"We think that it's ironic that President Obama's staff recognizes the existence of unborn babies for purposes of providing security within the White House, and yet there's no indication that President Obama has any problem, for example, with the fact that throughout the District of Columbia, abortion is now legal for any reason up to the moment of birth," he notes.
And since the information has to be updated once the baby is born, the pro-lifer has another question regarding security.
"We think it's notable that the newsletter provides no guidance on what the staff should do if an unborn baby is first registered for security purposes, but then aborted." He wonders, "Do they deregister the child?"
The NRLC spokesman suggests that if the president is concerned about the security of an unborn child inside or outside the White House, he ought to endorse the District of Columbia's Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act when it comes up in a House committee hearing next week. But Johnson adds, "We're not holding our breath for that."
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow